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7/18/2020 12:22 pm  #1

My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Hello There,

I am new to LoA. While I have my skepticism about it, can't help but think about all those times when my manifestations (I didn't know they were manifestations then) came true – those that impacted me positively and those that impacted me negatively as well. More on these in the coming posts.
I realised in the past few weeks that the current situation with my boyfriend (I am not calling him ex, he is still my boyfriend) is one such; I have been impacted  negatively to such a point that, in this 3D world, it seems hopeless. It’s a story that has started almost 2 decades back, and is impacting me currently, even though I met my boyfriend only about an year back. And there’s a third party involved in all this now. So much drama I tell you!

I will write more on this in the coming posts. I am starting my 25-day course today. I have bought the accompanying books as well. I want to be honest about my journey with some of you fellow humans. I didn’t want to record this in my journals, so here I am  

Wish me luck I am wishing myself luck. And I will be sharing my success story with you all here. Thank you for staying with me till the end.


Last edited by VK (7/19/2020 3:25 am)


7/18/2020 1:45 pm  #2

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Finished the activities mentioned in the book. And wow o wow! Just got so much clarity about how I could focus on achieving one of the goals I want to. Not related to manifesting my boyfriend back into my life, but who knows, it probably is related! Now, it all makes sense. About Veronica saying how something big will happen in the next 25 days! It will, it does change! I can feel it! Woohoo!

Coming back to manifestations, I manifested something in the time period between my last post and this one! A text from my boyfriend! He was driving home, a long 9-10 hour journey! I had gotten up early in the morning to pack some food for him, we stay in the same building, I din't want him eating outside given the current pandemic situation. Since, he was heading home to his parents, beeter to keep as less interactions as possible, right?

So, anyways, I wanted him to drop me a text once he reaches home. It's usually me who asks him whether he reached safely, to text me back once he reaches and all that. Due to the current temporary split, I couldn't. Didn't want to do it myself, and also had already texted him in between. So, I wanted him to text me saying he he reached. I visualised getting a text from him and me replying back to that text. I did feel desperate for a few moments, wanting to text him, because I wanted to be in touch with him . Howver, I let it go, I mean there wasn't nothing much for me to lose if he doesn't text back. I would anyways get to know if at all something would have wrong, from one source or the other. So, no point in going behind him and asking him. and GUESS WHAT!!! He did!!! :D Thank the Universe that he is all fine  

Well, the follow-up text from him was different, anyways, it was even better though  

There are slight differences between the activities mentioned in Day 1 video and activities mentioned in the book. I liked them though, actually loved them, specially the book. It's just nice going through the book. Lot of positivity and this is something that I I would love to receive and keep receiving. So, good night folks! Thank you for whoever is here with me

And Veronicaaaaaaaaa, you are an absolute sweetheart and a gem AM super glad, I bought those accompanying books.

A newbie

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7/19/2020 12:02 pm  #3

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Hello!Came to drop in an update about the day.
It was a day of ups and downs. I couldn't make myself stay positive. During the later part of the day, listened to Agnes's meditation video on how to drive 3rd party away. It helped me a bit and slowly i was able to keep myself positive for a few hours. I am trying to know About Neville Goddard. If anyone knows a good place for beginners to explore his teachings and learnings, please let me know

I also need to practice self-love. So, need to look into that as well

Good day/night you all
Stay safe!

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7/20/2020 1:49 pm  #4

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

So, it's third day. I am loving the activities in her book. They are a sure way to feel better I know he is mine. We are meant to be there for each other, we are meant to be together We will get there. We are already there in my head. I slowly started imagining him being with me, in my life. Like for example, while am working from home, I am imagining him being there in the same room with me, Like he is there when am watching something. I keep having small conversations with him . It's easier to manifest like that

Good day you all

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7/20/2020 6:59 pm  #5

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

I'm SO glad you are enjoying everything - yay :D

VK wrote:

So, it's third day. I am loving the activities in her book. They are a sure way to feel better I know he is mine. We are meant to be there for each other, we are meant to be together We will get there. We are already there in my head. I slowly started imagining him being with me, in my life. Like for example, while am working from home, I am imagining him being there in the same room with me, Like he is there when am watching something. I keep having small conversations with him . It's easier to manifest like that

Good day you all



7/21/2020 7:22 am  #6

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Yayy!!! Just so glad you replied!! Did I manifest you?!! :D
This makes me feel like you are with me on my journey. And that's a huge relief and a big confidence boost 
Thank you so much Veronicaaaaa

VeronicaAdmin wrote:

I'm SO glad you are enjoying everything - yay :D

VK wrote:

So, it's third day. I am loving the activities in her book. They are a sure way to feel better I know he is mine. We are meant to be there for each other, we are meant to be together We will get there. We are already there in my head. I slowly started imagining him being with me, in my life. Like for example, while am working from home, I am imagining him being there in the same room with me, Like he is there when am watching something. I keep having small conversations with him . It's easier to manifest like that

Good day you all



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7/21/2020 12:13 pm  #7

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Hello there,

Hope you are safe and healthy

Dropping in a quick update about the 4th day. It was an okayish sort of a day. What I noticed is how anything negative about any aspect in this current reality of mine diminishes the hopes of manifesting my specific peron and anything related to it.

Wondering how can I keep these 2 things separate. This brings me to the question - Do I always have to be happy and positive about everything to let my manifestations come true or is it okay to just be sad and let things be? And how do I keep everything else happening in my current reality not affect my hopes about my manifestation?

Just wanted to put it down here, irrespective of whether I get any replies or not.

And, I am continuing to enjoy the activities from the book. In fact, I think those sort of helped me not get carried away with my gloominess and the blues


Last edited by VK (7/21/2020 9:12 pm)

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7/21/2020 12:48 pm  #8

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Yes, you did manifest me.  And, keep recording your journey as it can help inspire others and it's exciting to look back and see progress too.

Veronica xxoo

VK wrote:

Hello there,

Hope you are safe and healthy

Dropping in a quick update about the 4th day. It was an okayish sort of a day. What I noticed is how anything negative about any aspect in this current reality of mine diminishes the hopes of my manifestation and anything related to it.

Wondering how can I keep these 2 things separate. This brings me to the question - Do I always have to be happy and positive about everything to let my manifestations come true or is it okay to just be sad and let things be? And how do I keep everything else happening in my current reality not affect my hopes about my manifestation?

Just wanted to put it down here, irrespective of whether I get any replies or not.

And, I am continuing to enjoy the activities from the book. In fact, I think those sort of helped me not get carried away with my gloominess and the blues




7/24/2020 6:38 am  #9

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Hello there,
Was missing in action the past 2 days, they were okay. Today has been a particularly hard day. It is still being tough. I went into the state of lack and I am finding it tough to get back. I feel like I have lost the progress I made in the last few days and honestly, it seems little hopeless. I am hanging on though. I have been reading more of Neville and he makes it sound so easy  
Writing down a manifestation here: I am back on track and I feel great! It's done. It's manifested. V and I are back together, happily married to each other and raising kids together

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7/28/2020 10:06 am  #10

Re: My Journey - 25 Days Challenge - With the accompanying books + videos

Was missing. Lost track with the days actually. Haven't been following them in order. Veronicaaa, I hope this is alright

I feel much much better mentally and emotionally. I still lose it at times and things seem hopeless. Howver, I am able to flip this around quickly. I let myself cry and let the emotion be there though, not fighting it. I turn around to affirmations that help me get better.

I am more at peace these days when compared to the times when we had split up
It's also getting easier for me to ignore the 3P and the circumstances most of the time. So, that's a moajor improvement there

Hope you are all safe and healthy and wishing you all peace

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