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3/22/2020 11:52 am  #1

Call to all divine Loves for Mom-Earth & Corona issue


Blessings & wishes to all
Subject: Let's unite to raise positivity in and around mom-earth.Β 

I thank this forum to use it for this message.Β 
On one of the other spiritual forum , global event is organized to heal mom-earth.Β 
TIming is 9:00 PM New York 21st March 2020, 06:30 AM IST , 22nd Morning in India.Β 
Next 21 days successively.Β 
Sorry for late posting but it's ok

let all soul unite at this one time globally to heal mother earth against corona.Β 
we all wana hangout & marry and enjoy in garden with our love
So, let's make it more positive & stronger.Β 

What to do:
******** Everyone do Hopono to delete part of ourselves created this situation for 20 minutes*******

We all are One. So, let's come all fragments togehter, make it stronger event.
Remember Neville- Imagine good, it's gone, vaccine successfully found in any time of your day & night.Β 
More we give positivity, more we get back

Thanks all for reading & joining.Β 
Spread Love, Heal yourself, Earth with Love

Thanks & Love  ​
Feel free to PM for anything else.
Skype (Love&Light444) | You Tube

6/15/2023 8:58 am  #2

Re: Call to all divine Loves for Mom-Earth & Corona issue


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