So my ex and I aren’t really in speaking terms again. I feel like I keep messing up by being pushy and over contacting. I feel like I’m messing things up and now he won’t want to try again with me. I’m trying to get my thoughts under control but I can’t seem too and now I feel it’s impossible 😔
He has been ignoring me and not picking up my calls
I thought you said you were dropping the whole thing in a post a week or two back because he was not responding, so what changed?
The advice would be exactly the same as last time anyway.
Last edited by PrettyFlamingo (7/06/2019 12:49 pm)
Oxolove wrote:
He has been ignoring me and not picking up my calls
This isn't going to help your case, you need to collect yourself, and get into a good frame of mind.
Here's a post I pinned a while ago, it'll help you.
Oxolove wrote:
So my ex and I aren’t really in speaking terms again. I feel like I keep messing up by being pushy and over contacting. I feel like I’m messing things up and now he won’t want to try again with me. I’m trying to get my thoughts under control but I can’t seem too and now I feel it’s impossible 😔
Why are you trying to make it happen through action? Stick to your mental diet, ignore current reality, and DO nothing (other than monitor your thoughts). That’s the formula for success.
I’m just really hurt.. like I feel this is not working. 😔
Oxolove wrote:
I’m just really hurt.. like I feel this is not working. 😔
It won’t work as long as you are trying to change the situation through your actions. It’s like your reality is a projection screen, you are the projector, and the thoughts you are having are the slide in the projector. Your thoughts are currently projecting onto the screen a reality where he doesn’t want to be with you. All you need to do is change the slide (your thoughts) to a reality where he DOES want to be with you. But instead, what you are doing right now is walking up to the screen, yelling at it, getting upset over it, and thinking of giving up because what’s playing on the screen is hurting you. You can do that for as long as you like or you can instead choose to change the slide and start changing your reality. No one else can do it for you. It really is all on you.
Oxolove wrote:
I’m just really hurt.. like I feel this is not working. 😔
I don't understand what you are doing. I can't quote the original post as I'm using my phone, but you said something about being worth more and stopping being at the mercy of someone who ignores you. Now you're setting yourself up for more of the same.
You earlier said you wanted to be friends with the bloke but even Stevie Wonder can see that is not what you wanted at all and you were using it as a way to get a romantic relationship with him.
What changed and why don't you think the advice about, for example, mental diets is valid? I'm curious because it seems to me your entire life is wrapped up in this guy.
You spend a hell of a lot of time feeling hurt and ignored but you're not willing to spend far, far less of that time per day on what you've been advised and the rest on getting on with YOUR life.
So I told him I would delete his number since he doesn’t care at all. He hasn’t responded to anything I’ve said. I’m scared I’ve damaged things past the point of no return. But this wouldn’t be the case since anything it’s possible right?
Oxolove wrote:
So I told him I would delete his number since he doesn’t care at all. He hasn’t responded to anything I’ve said. I’m scared I’ve damaged things past the point of no return. But this wouldn’t be the case since anything it’s possible right?
I can’t emphasize enough that it doesn’t matter how bad things are, you can always manifest exactly what you want. This is because time isn’t actually linear and all events are existing at once. That’s difficult for our minds to comprehend. But what that means is the situation where you are in a relationship with him exists right now, you are just not perceiving that situation right now, so it’s not in your manifested reality. But that possible situation never goes away. And all you need to do to bring it into your manifested reality is to focus on it and become the version of you who has it right now. Then in what appears to be a linear fashion, it will manifest into your reality.