Things in my life got a bit hectic. I'm currently between two places and in the process of getting my own place with my boyfriend. I was also diagnosed with Keratoconus a few months back, that's taken some getting used to. I'm all good, just an adjustment with the glasses and the new lenses I will be fitted with down the line.
I have removed the advertising posts, I'm sorry that took as long as it did. It's literally only me who moderates the forum and if I need time away, nobody else picks up the slack. Unless Veronica has the time to herself, obviously.
If anybody wants to be a mod, I think it'd be best to ask Veronica and I'll sort that out for you if she agrees.
Also, for future reference, no more arguing about what you believe in. There are more than one teacher and method. If one works for you, great. If it doesn't, you don't need to argue amongst yourselves over it.
Thank you for your time, I'll be around more often.
I do hope all goes well for you with your eye issues. All the best!