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5/28/2018 12:14 pm  #1

Feeling like it's effort

Ok, so I'm not entirely sure how to explain what I mean with this never mind where specifically to post it but bare with me.

So I am totally in love with my ex and have been going through Veronica's 25 Day Challenge (it's great btw). Haven't really been focusing on what day I'm on but I think it is day 9.

Anyway, the last few days I've been going through the challenge and reading the objectives for the day (which are all great and inspiring and make you feel good) but a couple of time's I've sort of felt like it's effort to do the task at that time. Almost like 'Meh I cba to do this right now'.

Of course this sort of freaked me out a bit as I was wondering, 'how can I think this when I am so in love?'.

Yesterday however I came across a lovely post on here that recommended IlluminatingJoy YT channel and her playlist about Releasing Resistance. I checked it out and soon found a video that explained how I was feeling.

Illuminating Joy explained that feeling this way is actually a great sign as it shows that you have been releasing resistance and not to worry, your desire is still very much active, it''s not that you no longer desire it or anything haha.Β 

I was so grateful to have found the post on here and then to have that video pop up on YT for me just when I wanted it.Β 

Here is the link:Β

And to everyone on this forum and manifesting their desires, you're all doing wonderful, keep up the good work!!



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