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1/20/2018 8:15 pm  #1

Message from Veronica - January 20th 2018

I'm editing a video right now about what to do when you are stuck being just friends with the person you want a romantic relationship with.  This can be so frustrating to many people, and even enough to break ties with the person altogether.  However, I do think friendship is a great basis for a relationship and can work in your favor! My new video shows you what to do, and what not to do.  And, I hope it will help you a lot.

Remember, your desire can literally find you if you allow it to It can flow to you in the most amazing way.  Today I would try to take the time to think about another goal in your life too, so that you don't get stuck obsessing about one thing.  For example, what is something else you would really like to manifest?  The Universe always gives you what you “are”.  This is why acting natural always works in your favor, as does seeing your desire as simple.  The less pressure you put on it, the easier it will flow to you.

Smile at the idea of this

Veronica Isles -

1/21/2018 1:38 am  #2

Re: Message from Veronica - January 20th 2018

I'm loving these posts! thank you so much veronica!! <3

Last edited by YesIWILL (1/21/2018 1:38 am)


1/21/2018 6:56 am  #3

Re: Message from Veronica - January 20th 2018

I originally saw my "desire" as a man that was out of my league. Now, we have switched places per say. I see him as any regular old guy. He chases after me to the point that it is annoying.

The Universe is your playground.

1/21/2018 1:14 pm  #4

Re: Message from Veronica - January 20th 2018

Love your posts veronica

She believed she could, so she did.

1/21/2018 1:16 pm  #5

Re: Message from Veronica - January 20th 2018

Thanks for the comments! Glad you are enjoying these posts

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