Does anyone have any advice/stories about how to best deal with friends who think you and your love are never going to get back together, or that you should just move on?
Each time someone tells me to move on, it just makes me feel more determined! I just keep imagining how amazing it's going to feel when I have proved them all wrong!
Don't bring your ex up, like ever. Know that your trust in the fact that you two will be back together is enough to make it happen and that you don't need anyone's approval. They haven't been in your relationship, and they don't know your ex the way that you do. Know that they probably mean well but do yourself a favour and don't mention your ex to any of your friends again, if they bring him/her up then just change topic as smoothly as possible.
Bugg88 wrote:
Does anyone have any advice/stories about how to best deal with friends who think you and your love are never going to get back together, or that you should just move on?
Each time someone tells me to move on, it just makes me feel more determined! I just keep imagining how amazing it's going to feel when I have proved them all wrong!
Ignore what other people say. It's your life, not theirs, whether they mean well or not. It's none of their business. Don't talk about it to them any more. It sounds like you are doing absolutely great, so just keep it up.
I only talk about my guy with people who practice LOA or energy work. There are about 3 people who I can say "I'm just pinning ideas for the honeymoon" or "I should do some lingerie shopping. He LOVES lingerie" and they not only don't judge, but encourage it. If you don't have those people, just don't talk about him at all. It's not only about how you feel about their negativity, but also if their doubts are creeping into your thoughts. Don't allow it. You create you're reality and you need to protect it.
I have completely stopped talking to my friends about this. They think I am crazy, that I am wasting my time, and that he's not worth it. But I know, like you know, that this is far from the truth. Them not being supportive can mess with your thought processes! Just try to remain happy!
You guys are awesome, thanks for the advice! I'm so glad we have the support of each other on this forum!
Can't wait to read all of our success stories!
whitebutterflies11 wrote:
I have completely stopped talking to my friends about this. They think I am crazy, that I am wasting my time, and that he's not worth it. But I know, like you know, that this is far from the truth. Them not being supportive can mess with your thought processes! Just try to remain happy!
Some people, like my ex-husband, are determined to never believe in this no matter what. He said that he would believe if my POI came back into my life, which he did eventually (although he left again), and even then he refused to believe. He lives a little, restricted life and won't even entertain the possibility of being able to change things for the better. My ex-husband said he has to 'maintain his dignity'.
Last edited by Cynthia (9/26/2017 5:44 pm)
That's what I was going to suggest in my last post. Whenever you want to talk, post here!! We're all supportive in this forum and want what you want! 😊
People are programmed by their upbringing experiences and the world in general Always play your deepest dream close to you as those negative comments are words that can become things
always speak and think only in the positive and also guard what you say to people who don't understand they are not bad people in any way but they do not understand what you desire and what will make you happy words heard become things as well as what you think and say
This forum is a wonderful place for us to be positive and helpful to others remember also Givers Gain when you give positivity and love to others it comes back to you
barbidoll wrote:
People are programmed by their upbringing experiences and the world in general Always play your deepest dream close to you as those negative comments are words that can become things
always speak and think only in the positive and also guard what you say to people who don't understand they are not bad people in any way but they do not understand what you desire and what will make you happy words heard become things as well as what you think and say
This forum is a wonderful place for us to be positive and helpful to others remember also Givers Gain when you give positivity and love to others it comes back to you
I needed this, not essentially because people talk about my relationship, but because I have a family who has very limited beliefs and says the things I say sound stupid and crazy. They only see life as something miserable and hard and so they will never understand when I say it doesn't have to be that way.