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I'm new here ! And i wanted to get your opinions about what appears to be signs from the universe !
So i started to manifest my lover a few weeks ago besides to listening to subs to help me !
2 days ago i asked the universe to give me signs that i'm manifesting him soon ( i asked to see his name and cars that looks like his when i go out )
So that's what happened i started to see his name and when i went out to buy some stuff i saw a car (polo) not the same colour but it's a polo stopped in front of the market i'm going to and i got a feeling it was a sign !
Then yesterday he called me (i texted him like 4days ago and actually i wasnt waiting for his reply nor anything just felt the urge to tell him that i miss him) anyway yesterday he called me we talked for 10min he told me he called to check on me and told me that he miss me too oh well he said it indirectly "you already know my answer to your text" which mean he miss me too ^_^ anyway i had to stop myself from telling him that i luv him and i wanna see him :3
So after thaat i downloaded a movie "50 shades darker" and i tried to see if the download was a success i clicked on like 15min from the start and guess what the sentence i heard was " i want to get u back " or " i want u back " i was so surprised and excited that i forget the right sentence lol and after a few moments i plugged my phone to the charger and guess what popped on my screen !! His fb page i swear it wasn't me :O ( btw i'm blocked on fb so sometimes i check on him from my mum's fb on chrome ) ! Ohhh and when i went out i kept seeing polos (the car ofc) everywhere specially in front of me like 2 polos stopped in front of me and others paassed by !!
So what do you think guys ??!! Did the universe answered my request for signs ?!
Last edited by Yosr (9/08/2017 9:10 am)
Personally, I don't take names or cars as signs. There are literally thousands of them out there. Ask for a very clear sign (I asked if I was supposed to pursue Jim and saw a sign a minute later that said "Jamestown Advance" and then went to a room that was his house number). Unmistakable and clear is what you're looking for.
As far as the social media stalking through your mom's account, don't do that. It sends a message of lack to the universe. Plus it's a little creepy. You probably wouldn't want someone doing that to you. Proceed as if he doesn't have a Facebook. Or better yet, act as if you're already together. If you were together would you be stalking his page? It's unlikely. Act as if you already have it.
I think you may not be getting clear unmistakable signs because your sign is the actual manifestation. You're talking to him. You're meeting him. You don't need to manifest signs because you're obviously so close to the prize. So sit back and relax. All is well. ❤️
Last edited by 80saeaak (9/08/2017 10:08 am)
Yosr wrote:
I'm new here ! And i wanted to get your opinions about what appears to be signs from the universe !
So i started to manifest my lover a few weeks ago besides to listening to subs to help me !
2 days ago i asked the universe to give me signs that i'm manifesting him soon ( i asked to see his name and cars that looks like his when i go out )
So that's what happened i started to see his name and when i went out to buy some stuff i saw a car (polo) not the same colour but it's a polo stopped in front of the market i'm going to and i got a feeling it was a sign !
Then yesterday he called me (i texted him like 4days ago and actually i wasnt waiting for his reply nor anything just felt the urge to tell him that i miss him) anyway yesterday he called me we talked for 10min he told me he called to check on me and told me that he miss me too oh well he said it indirectly "you already know my answer to your text" which mean he miss me too ^_^ anyway i had to stop myself from telling him that i luv him and i wanna see him :3
So after thaat i downloaded a movie "50 shades darker" and i tried to see if the download was a success i clicked on like 15min from the start and guess what the sentence i heard was " i want to get u back " or " i want u back " i was so surprised and excited that i forget the right sentence lol and after a few moments i plugged my phone to the charger and guess what popped on my screen !! His fb page i swear it wasn't me :O ( btw i'm blocked on fb so sometimes i check on him from my mum's fb on chrome ) ! Ohhh and when i went out i kept seeing polos (the car ofc) everywhere specially in front of me like 2 polos stopped in front of me and others paassed by !!
So what do you think guys ??!! Did the universe answered my request for signs ?!
You manifested a call from him, why are you still looking for signs?
Sorry i'm late :3
So i just wanted signs cuz i wanted to knw i'm on the right path in manifesting my guy cuz sometimes i sorta feel like giving up!! I want some motivation to keep going ^^
Anyway i have a question so i have wrote some positive affirmation abt self-love and my RS with my guy but the thing is my native language is arabic yet i wrote them in english cuz i felt like i can express myself better that way and i can be more specific ! So would those affirmaation work even tho English is not my native language ?!!
Thank you for your replies ♡♡ sending my love to you ♡♡♡
Yosr wrote:
Sorry i'm late :3
So i just wanted signs cuz i wanted to knw i'm on the right path in manifesting my guy cuz sometimes i sorta feel like giving up!! I want some motivation to keep going ^^
Anyway i have a question so i have wrote some positive affirmation abt self-love and my RS with my guy but the thing is my native language is arabic yet i wrote them in english cuz i felt like i can express myself better that way and i can be more specific ! So would those affirmaation work even tho English is not my native language ?!!
Thank you for your replies ♡♡ sending my love to you ♡♡♡
Yes. It's all about feeling. it doesn't matter how it's said but what you feel when and after saying the things. Also, we manifest these signs. So I don't think they're showing our "future but that said, if we can manifest these signs it's just proof we can manifest. I see "India" spoken by customers every day, (I live in Virginia USA), in the most odd ways, I relate it to my love. For example a customer was talking about a movie and said "it's like this movie but it takes place in India" less than 3 minutes later a customer comes in complaining about the What (American Dude, never traveled... we've talked before) and mentioned how the heat is like India. We manifest these things... It's proof we can manifest our lover back in a rush. Hope that made sense.
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