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11/25/2015 4:27 pm  #1

My Experience..

Hi beautifuls,

I wanted to reach out to all of you at once and share something that I hope will help you all on the wonderfully crazy journey!

Easily the biggest manifesting problem that WE ALL have is our "inability" to control our minds. But let me tell you emphatically that it's a BIG FAT LIE! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌ We have absolute, total, 100% control over our thoughts and our minds. And anyone who wishes to argue the point will just have to keep arguing and not manifest their desires!

Those of you who understand or at least see that YES it's possible for us to control our minds, please read on!

We are incredible beings. The physical part of us is not who we are. We are infinite potential, infinite intelligence, and absolute possibilities lie within us to create anything and everything we so desire. There are an extraordinary amount of extraordinary humans that have gone before us, and who's parting advice was along the lines of:
"thoughts create things"
"Be careful what you wish for"
"Life is what you make it"
"Think and so it shall be"
"If you think you can or you can't, you're right either way"
And on and on and on and on..

So. We've all come to earth to have a fabulous, 5 senses, all-in wow of a time, and to explore the buffet of life as we know it. To play a magnificent game, where we command into existence, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING that we desire! Can you see the fabulousness of that?! It's ASTONISHINGLY COOL!
And everyone on this board has become awakened to the fact.. We are IN on the cosmic joke.. We KNOW that we are deliberate creators. A majority of our earthling buddies will never clue into this, and will create by default until the day they die. We are so lucky to be consciously aware that we are the creators here!!

Most of you joined this board to get an ex back. I did too. I understand your pain and angst and suffering and blah and blah, because I was there, and I've slipped back there many times. And what I've gleaned very nicely from this experience is that we TOTALLY have control over our thoughts. We do. It's just that it is EASIER in the beginning to let them run rampant. My thoughts were SO sloppy. I was anxious and fearful and tortured. Lol. That vibration sucks! There has to be a change in your mindset if you have those kinds of thoughts going on, and you wish to truly manifest your desires!

It takes dedication and a consistent effort to change your thoughts. There's no magical way around it. But you CAN ABSOLUTELY, CATEGORICALLY get from where you are to a point of KNOWING your worth, knowing you can have and be and do absolutely anything you wish. You can! But first you need to stop moaning. And whinging. And anytime something crappy happens, you have to stop indulging in your own pity party. You have to put your big-girl/boy pants on and say to yourself "this is great, I see movement, the energy is coming in to shake things up and bring me my desire!" You have to be vigilant, and sift through your thoughts. When you feel that sick feeling in your stomach- STOP what you're doing.. What thought were you just having? "He doesn't love meeeeeeee..." REFRAME IT. "He ADORES ME! Of course he does, I'm ADORABLE!" Reframe everything. EVERYTHING! "I hate that woman, she's SO IRRITATING GRRRRRRRR!" REFRAME.. "I love that I get all these opportunities to focus and reframe my thoughts. And actually that woman has nice shoes.. Lol"

There is no quick fix to controlling your mind. But as you slowly begin to put in the gallant effort required, LOA automatically kicks in and brings you things to appreciate. And then your work is to APPRECIATE EVERYTHING.

I use a process where I walk around in appreciation of things. All day long. I acknowledge what I love. And then I ask myself WHY I love it. And then I ask myself HOW does it make me feel.. And then I FEEL IT.

How does it feel?
Feel it.

If it's beautiful and sunny day.. "I love this sunny day! WHY? Because it reminds me of holidays at the beach, and they felt WARM, and WONDERFUL and EXCITING.." And then I feel WARM, and I FEEL wonderful.. And I FEEL exciting. If you think those words and attach them to a sunny beach, you can't NOT feel that way!

But now it's raining. The unconscious people of the world say "dammit, it's bloody raining!"
Not you. NO WAY, YOU see the absolute beauty in the rain! So you say..
"I love that it's raining!
Why? Because it smells amazing, and the grass will be so green, the air will be fresh and my car will be CLEAN!"
How does that FEEL to you? It feels energising to walk about in the rain. It feels lovely to imagine snuggling up nice and dry in my bed, listening to raindrops on my roof..

When it comes to your guy/girl..
You HAVE TO assume the position of already having them in your mind. And that means, you must work every day on your thoughts. You have to drop the past. It HAS TO GO or you can't get to where you want to be. If you keep thinking about the crappy past, you'll attract more crap. Drop it! You're a deliberate creator, and this is a new and fabulous relationship! The reason people fail to attract them back is because they hold far too much resistance about their crappy past. Let it go. Why on earth do you want to create more crap? It's irrelevant. All of it. Everything. Start today. Right now. Begin to focus your thoughts on the most wildly romantic love story ever! Begin it today! Imagine your love is simply away in this moment, but they are YOURS. They ARE YOURS! Why do you want them? How does that FEEL? You absolutely have to just KNOW like a boss. Write out your romance, and stick to your story all day each day! Don't listen to anyone else. You are a deliberate creator and you actually KNOW IT now. USE IT to create your perfect world! You don't need to be fearing or stuck needing a response from your love.. They are already with you in spirit. The moment you asked for them, they became yours. It's just that you haven't yet reached the vibration of your awesome relationship! Get over there where the party is! Do it by KNOWING that they are yours. Use your RS or visualisation time to connect with them. KNOW you are together. Love it. Cherish those moments. And carry that around throughout your day. Let that be enough for now. Their spirit is the whole of them.. The physical part of them is only a tiny portion of them. If you are with their spirit and connected each and every day, why do you need a measly text? You don't. Rest in the knowledge that you are together in spirit for just a while, and the physical part of them will follow.

When you begin to control your thoughts, wonderful things will start popping into your life. And you won't have the time to sit waiting for messages from your love. And THEN your love will feel that shift in energy and come seeking you out. You have to get busy with YOU. The lover has to come second. You're too busy learning to be fabulous. When you nail this stuff, you will feel amazing. You will look amazing. People will begin to admire you. You will be the beautiful, joyous, magnificent human you were meant to be. And you will attract to you ABSOLUTELY everything that your heart desires.

This isn't even about the lover. It's about you finding YOU. About romancing YOURSELF actually. It's about finding your real, authentic self perhaps for the first time. And appreciating life around you. And loving life. Because it's colourful and wonderfully vibrant and exciting and beautiful. Romance yourself. Love yourself, be kind, and nurture your soul.. And hold onto your hats because when you reach this place you will have FAR TOO MANY admirers to choose from.

I love you all very much πŸ’œπŸŒˆ

Last edited by Cherished (11/25/2015 4:35 pm)

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

11/25/2015 4:47 pm  #2

Re: My Experience..

Thank you!! I really needed this reminder today! πŸ˜€ It's like you read my mind! Lol
I agree with everything you've mentioned. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

Love yourself before you love others πŸ’–

11/25/2015 4:58 pm  #3

Re: My Experience..

This was amazing, I really needed to read this


11/25/2015 5:05 pm  #4

Re: My Experience..

Thanks for this amazing post!


11/25/2015 5:18 pm  #5

Re: My Experience..

My god, Cherished. AMAZING. ❀️😊


11/25/2015 5:30 pm  #6

Re: My Experience..

Ladies and gentlemen, how lucky are we to have this fantastic woman here with us .

An absoluteky amazing piece of advice and i bet every single one of us read those words and nodded our heads in agreement because Cherished has just stated in the purist form what we already know deep down. We deserve great things people .

Thank you so much Cherished . you my dear are an angel .



11/25/2015 6:40 pm  #7

Re: My Experience..

I need to reframe my thoughts regarding my job. Money is more important at the moment than a relationship for me.


11/25/2015 9:48 pm  #8

Re: My Experience..

You always seem to say everything that I think about. It just tells me how well I am coming to understand the LOA. Everyday I feel my loves presence with me. Sometimes when I dance, I feel his presence dancing with me, when  I am walking I feel his presence walking with me, when I am visualizing I feel his presence kissing my lips and caressing my hair. I came to understand that we may not physically be together, but we are spiritually together.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

11/25/2015 10:44 pm  #9

Re: My Experience..

Thank you Cherished.  I appreciate this post so much.  Xx


11/26/2015 1:09 am  #10

Re: My Experience..

Cherish , my love Thankyou for being with me !!
I just want your support and help , advice all day long bcos you are the only one who gives me hope and light to fight
Thankyou thankyou thankyou !!

Adu loves Jui a lot , and they are back together forever !!!Β 

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