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8/22/2017 9:03 am  #11

Re: I've manifested him back 😍

Christiinnnnnee wrote:

Bout 2 months. There were times after the 5th day I would gave up. I really had to take care of myself first. What wake me up is when my friend showed me a picture of him dating a girl and its near his birthday.

I stopped talking to my friend who showed me pictures because it bothers me. I started yoga i started loving myself. Then came the signs my God I freaked out. First was his family was looking for me, his scent, then there was this song and out of the blue someone gave me this happy cute picture of us and there's a video too!(the video was of me and him flirting and making each other smile) (i didnt know there was such pictures and video!!)so i rooted on that. I wrote every sign on a paper and posted it on my wall. So everytime i was having a harf time I would just look on that paper.

Good luck you all!
You can do it! You can manifest the perfect relationship with your man!

So he was dating someone else? How did you not think of what they were doing and stuff?


8/22/2017 9:04 am  #12

Re: I've manifested him back 😍

Laura1234 wrote:

how much time it took for you to manifest this?    And was  are you stalking his profile?:D

I did after the break up. But I stopped because it only tells me im not with him. I blocked him on Facebook and IG. Stopped talking to people updating me about him. Because I want to have information directly from him after all if im the gf i should know all that.

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8/22/2017 9:11 am  #13

Re: I've manifested him back 😍

Christiinnnnnee wrote:

Laura1234 wrote:

how much time it took for you to manifest this?    And was  are you stalking his profile?:D

I did after the break up. But I stopped because it only tells me im not with him. I blocked him on Facebook and IG. Stopped talking to people updating me about him. Because I want to have information directly from him after all if im the gf i should know all that.

And how he contacted you  when you blocked him?


8/22/2017 9:30 am  #14

Re: I've manifested him back 😍

Is this the guy who was grumbling about wearing a bikini on the beach? If I've got this right, remember to put yourself first. Don't let him dictate to you.Β 

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

8/22/2017 9:30 am  #15

Re: I've manifested him back 😍

Laura1234 wrote:

And how he contacted you when you blocked him?

Phone? Text? Email? Knocking on the door? Even writing a letter or sending a card?

Social media isn't the be all and end all of life !!!!!

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

8/22/2017 10:59 am  #16

Re: I've manifested him back 😍

Did you have a hard time living in the end ? Like it was hard for you to believe?


2/03/2018 10:07 am  #17

Re: I've manifested him back 😍

Christiinnnnnee wrote:

It worked!!! It really did!! Im so happy!! Thank you you all for all the advice

How long were you guys together before the breakup?
How long were you broken up for?


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