Actually I don't really know how to use the LOA.
I have thought for a long time that I knew how to use it.
But it is still hard for me to figure out how to use it.
I'm still confused about the whole letting go part.
Confused about how to find self love.
Confused about how to use my mind and thoughts to attract what I desire.
I use alot of affirmations and meditations. I try my Best to keep positive, but find it hard when I don't See physical evidence of what I want.
I feel like I can only use the LOA for bad things. Like, it's only when I'm thinking negative thoughts, that it works. Like, when I began to think my girl would leave me, it happen. But when I want the opppsite to happen, it never does. Can't even manifest a simple text or contact of any kind.
I thank my lucky stars every day that when I came to LOA, I didn't want anything other than to improve my life and my self-worth.
If I'd found it when I wanted to 'get' someone I don't think I'd have understood it at all or have it work for me because i'd have been trying too hard and wouldn't have really learned and understood the basic principles of self-love and getting into a high vibration and staying there. I'd have thought it didn't work or I couldn't make it work for me and given up and I'm thankful I got to avoid all that and LOA has turned my life around completely.
If you can, forget about her for now and stop trying to manifest contact or anything from her. Go back to basics, read as much as you can about the principles of LOA (not the get your ex back stuff).
Build up your self-love first and once you start to feel good about yourself and confident and happy with how your life is going, build your confidence with the LOA by manifesting things that don't matter so much. It's always easier to manifest things that don't matter so much but it builds your confidence in using LOA for specific things and builds your confidence in your power to create.
Then try the 'bigger' stuff. Trying to manifest a specific person is always much more challenging, pretty much every LOA speaker will say that. I was listening to an Abraham talk yesterday where she said 'ask the Universe for a prize and the Universe will quickly give you prizes, ask for this specific prize only and the Universe says I will make this hard for you'.