Has anyone noticed, how this forum has been really negative and filled of desperation for awhile now?(it's Always been, but lately seems worse)
I hope everyone reads this and it gets a good amount of replies. But I feel like some of us have problems getting what we want, because as a whole we have a negative attitude/mindset. We doubt things can happen, but wonder why nothing has happened. If you're always doubting/fearful/stressed/etc. why do you think you're gonna get what you want?
Sure, we may have moments of happiness and good attitude, but underneath that is nothing but fear,stress,doubt. Which all goes against the manifestation process
People will be happy but only be happy to try and get their desire, but not actually happy. Trust me. I've been there, done that. And at times still am. You have to actually be happy to manifest your desire
People should either. Think about what they want and be happy/excited about it happening or if that makes you sad, then forget about it for a little. It will still happen
Fake happiness with the sole purpose of getting your desire, isn't going to work. If you're waiting around. Wondering why it hasn't happened or having doubt and fear. It won't work
I feel like two things people need to start doing, that will help with our mindset,happiness and resistance is
1. Unconditional love. A lot of us doesn't really have unconditional love for our ex's or specific person, we want them to be happy but only with us I found this great unconditional love video that Angus has. I'll try to find it and post it later. But we really need to start having more unconditional love for our people, whether they're with us or not
2. Being grateful and thankful. I know there's some people here who just aren't happy, life may suck. We might not have what we want. But we really need to stop thinking about what we want, start being grateful for we have
I'm sure along with not having their ex back or a specific person, there's people here who also have bad health, family stuff, homeless, etc
But if you have agreat family. Be thankful, there's many who either have a horrible family or their family died Do you have good health? Be thankful for that. Do you have food? Be grateful for that. Do you have a place to live? Be grateful for that
I'm not an loa expert by any means. But a lot of loa people say, part of getting what we want, is being grateful for what we have
Look at what happened in England a few days ago, imagine losing loved ones for no reason other than hate? Look at all the bad in the world
There's so much good things. We can be grateful for, the things we take for granted, a lot of people would wish they had
a good unconditional love video
You're right, I've seen a lot of despair in the forum, mostly coming from people who don't actually believe attracting a specific person is possible.
Listen, you already attracted this person once, did you not? He or she came into your life and then went. You can do it again. In fact, almost any possibility that you manifest into your life comes in the form of a specific person. Even manifesting a parking space requires someone else's "free will" to leave it free for you.
I would also add to have unconditional love for yourself firs and foremost.
This song always helps me vibe up:
(Manifest - Grayson Erhard)
Everyone is invited to share more tips, instead of sharing more sadness. Wouldn't you agree?
Lolo, not everyone can use the analogy that they came into your life once and then left because not everyone is attracting exes.
However I wonder to myself how many have underlying fear of not being good enough while on the surface being "happy and grateful"? Happy and grateful about what?
Why would anyone indulge in negative self talk on the lines of "they won't reply. They'll ignore me because they think I'm a joke /stupid /not good enough / a nuisance / a stalker"? My friend is doing this and it's so frustrating.
Think of the good stuff about yourself and never stop trying to upgrade yourself and your life. Not because you're not good enough and not because of this person but because you deserve it.