Hi! Beautiful people!
First of all, sorry for my bad English and the long message.
I hope you understand me.
I read a lot about LOA, and sometimes I got to manifest amazing things.
I watch Veronica's videos everyday and anything about how attract an ex with LOA but nowadays I can't manifest her back and I feel broken,depressed and needed.
My girlfriend broke up with me 3 weeks ago.
We had a beautiful but difficult relationship full of arguments, insecurities and fears.
Because of too much arguments and people got in the middle of our relation saying false things of me and all the situation was so bad..She definetly left me.
All has finished really bad. She told me she does not love me and me there will be NEVER another chance to get back together!π
Also she thinks I'm obssesed with her, I'm a liar, a manipulative person...She is absolutly angry with me. She hates me.
I did not respect the "no contact" because of my anxiety and I pressured at her and insist her of meeting and talking a last time.
I told her I'd do anything to be together again. I begged her pardon, her forgiveness...She just told me maybe, we will meet to talk someday...But also, she insist of I have to assume and understand that our love is ended forever, and that there's no possibility to "try it again" and come back together as a couple.Neither in a future!!!
She wants to be alone and she does not want to be with me again like girlfriends. For her,our breakup is definitive.
Honestly, because of that and because of she has moved on, she is happy and I'm seeing she ignores me (we're work collegues, so we see each other everyday and see even doesn't talk to me neither look at me!) I feel my situation is completly IMPOSSIBLE!ππ’π
I try to visualize she comes back to me and we are together again, but I can not feel the emotion of it, cause everything is messed up and I feel worst than ever.
How can I stop that horrible inner voice "saying" to me "That's not going to happen. She hates you. She does not love you. She won't come back with you. All that is a dissaster. Forget her. Move on, etc"?
How can I stop feeling guilty?
How can I change all the negatives thoughts she has for me in loving and positives ones?
How can I make with LOA, she forgives me and trust me again?
How can I make she misses me, make her fall in love with me again and get we were back together again in a happy, serious, passionable and wonderful love relationship?
How can I make she falls deeply and crazy in true love with me again?
How can I act as if we were together and happy if I see her everyday and she ignores me?
Even of course, our my routines have changed because I used to spend almost the whole days with her...So, How I ignore the current reality in this context?
I thinks it is sooo hard and difficult to do it.
Have anybody of you had an "impossible situation" and have you got your ex back and now you are happy together?
I'd like to read if you got it, how you did it, how long did it take...
I'm so stuck and confussed with myself and this situation.
I would be very glad and gratefull if you can help and give like "structions" (step by step) because I do not know what to do and I'm hopeless.
Any experience, advice, your stories or whatever you tell me, enlight me, please! Anything will be useful.
I hope you can help me! I'm deeply in love with her and I believe she is my soulmate.. I can't stsnd that pain...
I really need get her back and have a magical and happy love relationship (of course, much better and completly different than before!)
Really gratefull if you have read me!
Thank you, thank you, thank you so so,soooo much!
Last edited by Miniongirl (4/02/2017 8:45 am)
Dude trust me this is the one place everyone understands you. From my experience your best bet is to step back and look at yourself. Are you happy with yourself? If not what can you do for that? Reason being that it's all about you. How you think and feel. And from what it seems you aren't to happy and you are looking for that in everyone else but you. Don't worry about how she sees you, worry about how you see yourself. When you honestly see the good in you so will she.
I'm currently married and my wife left. Things were headed down hill. And I tried all the normal stuff that everyone tried (beg, cry etc.) It wasn't until I looked at how I saw myself and worked on it that her view of me changed. She told a friend recently that she is so confused by my attitude because she was expecting me to throw tantrums and stuff. She likes how I've turned out. Not back with her (yet) but I'm in no hurry. I'm enjoying the process and you'd be surprised at how things work. While learn LOA A lot has come my way (job promotion especially). It's all about you, everything else follows.
Hope this helps and hold your head high!
You said that you feel broken,depressed and needed.Β Neither of those are going to attract a mate, at least not a good one.Β The biggest gift you can give yourself is to start working on your self love and how you view life.
Watch these two to selflove & universe belief because you are not ready to attract her until you learn to be with your self.
Watch these kind of similar videos.
If you be with worries upset cry begging it will move her further away.
Do you want this? No right? Then before you start to attract her improve your self by self love & be with your ownself.
Be Total free with zero cry ,worry ,beg , checking her activities on net etc.
After completing yourself start to attract her by visualisations, subminals, techniques.
Do not worry because as we all know a thought of worry about your loved ones can give you same thing again & again.
As i know by my experience only we (our ownself) can handle us nor a lover ,friend ,parents ,nobody.
God bless you .
Do not worry & cry we all are here with you.
Sending you lots of lights.
I agree with everyone first you have to become your person, after all you have to live with yourself everyday
Stop thinking about the past and forgive yourself....theres a book i know is in spanish dont know if theres copies in other languages but is called "la maestria del amor" it helped me a lot with the forgiven myself and my ex part.
once you become who you want to be sheΒ΄s going to be right there for have to work for and on are the most important personΒ
I'm really gratefull for all your coments, help and mostly for your help. Thank you so much to everyone! You really are beautiful and kind people!
I'm watching this videos that you recomended me, also Veronica's and reading a lot about LOA.
I'm trying hard but I just get to feel better but just during a moment or hours...or when I do not see her.
I feel worse and hopeless when I see her everyday at work and she doesn' talk to me, doesn't look at me and ignores me completly. And I see she is glad, happy, singing, joking with others... I'm seeing she has moved on, forgotten me foreverπ.
I do not know how to do for it does not affect and hurt me.
How can I ignore this current reality and "act as if"?
Have you had IMPOSSIBLE situations and finally did you get your ex back? Even if you were the guilty of the breakup?
I'd like to read your stories and experiences.
I really need too much help!
Thank you soooo much!
Universe bless you all!
Last edited by Miniongirl (4/05/2017 7:33 am)
Forget acting as if. You are nowhere near the position to make that work for you. Abraham would say "you can't get there from there" and it is true. It's exactly as others told you before me. You have to find yourself first. Problem with this is that you can't do it in order to get her back. But I know that it doesn't help to tell you that, because at the moment, you are obsessed with getting her back and you will do it to get her back, regardless of what I say. But that won't work. The best advice I can give is give it up (for now). Get over the breakup, don't think about getting her back at all. Get back on your feet, become the person you were before you met her (or an even better one). With that base, you could work on it. Everything else just will lead you into more misery. LoA isn't a magic wand to control people. It all starts and ends with you. Until you understand that it's about you and just about you, you won't be able to use it in your favour.
Thank you so much Sanshi!
You'r totally right. I know I can't make her back from that horrible point of thoughts and feelings.
I'm trying not only to understand all your advices but also, apply them seriously to me!
Objectively, I know you all are right and that is the first thing I need and must do!
And I promise you all that is what I want to do...because I can't stand that pain!
I could not deny it's too difficult for me to do it cause I feel desperated, broken and hopelees.
All is so messed up! Not only with her but also with my friends and collegues! All my life has turned down.
I feel my happiness is her and solving all that rubbish that is killing me a little more and more every day!
How can I forgive myself be in peace, accept myself and feeling content?
Sorry guys if I'm tiresome. I really appreciate your advices. I know you all are wise and want to help me. And I have no words of gratitud for you all!
But I feel so lost and I do not know how to start to change and do it.I'm trying it...
I really want to be happy, feel confident and have positives thoughts!
Hope you understand me! I'm talking you through my heart and soul and comoletly honest.
Thank you so much to everyone you spend your time in reading me, understand me and answering me. I hope you guide me and enlight me!
I need you...
Thanks for your attention, time and words!
Your are angels!
Last edited by Miniongirl (4/05/2017 8:37 am)
Miniongirl wrote:
I feel my happiness is her and solving all that rubbish that is killing me a little more and more every day!
It's definitely not. Your happiness is unconditional. It's inside of you. You just project it on things and people and then you believe that they are the cause. But they aren't, you are. The tricky thing about LoA is that you have to feel better first until your situation can change. If you rely on your situation to change to feel better, you are trapped, becaus your situation can't change unless you feel better. And to feel better, you have to find other thoughts. Not the "My life is amazing, I am incredible happy" kind of thoughts. That would be too big of a jump. Just thoughts that feel a little better.
Right now, you are probably lower than normal, right? We have something like an vibrational setpoint. When we don't pay much attention to our thoughts, we return to that setpoint after a while. In your situation, it's of benefit for you, because your setpoint is higher than where you are now. It's what happens after a "normal" breakup, when people don't know about LoA and are willing to let that person go.
By chasing after her, you hold yourself in the vibrational place you are in right now. If you would just let yourself heal, you would return to your vibrational setpoint after a few months and if you are willing to put some work in it, you can get their faster and even much higher. But you have to give up the habit to look at reality and make your feelings dependent on what you see. You have to become the child that is completely caught in his role play. Or the crazy person who takes their invisible dog for a walk, whomever you like more.
Hi nice people.Thank you so much for your replies. I really appreciate all your wise messages.
I'm completly down and hopeless.
I have to confess you that even there's been a long time I do not get feel better with myself.
I got it just during specific moments but I do not get how to overcome my breakup.
I feel like the first day or even worst cause the passing of time hurts me everyday more and more...Cause I feel it makes my love and me more separate each time and the possibilities to get back together are less.
Now I believe she does not love me and she has forgotten me.
It's been two months and a half since my soulmate, my life, my happiness, my everything, my little girl...the love of my life, left me. I do not know how to accept it. I do not want to. I want another chance with her. The last and the better one. But it does not come.
Nowadays, there is not still any progress between us.
Even worse, three weeks ago,she blocked me on whatsapp cause I begged her again and pressured at her. In the conversation, because she was so cold and had a cruel behaviour whith me repeting me that she will never come back with me and she does not want to talk to me about our breakup, she also told me she thinks I am obssesed with her...she does not trust me anymore...She is happier now...
Reading all that I got upset, hurt painfull and I could not stand that pain and firstly, I blocked her. She did not do it with me. But after a couple of days, I unblocked her but then I realized that she did blocked me. And now I am still block.
The thing is that I have moments when I think positive. I see all Veronica's videos, Agnes, Abraham Hicks and everything about LOA and somedays I believe I can make her back with me and that we will come back together and we'll be happy forever...But when I got high with faith, then I see her everyday at work and she ignores me, also she seems happier than ever and she has moved on...Then is when I feel down again and I think LOA is not working and that maybe I am wasting my time with something which is impossible or if it is possible, it will take years or a long time.
Sometimes I feel like am liying myself pretending something that is over and lost and I am like a fool, waiting for her, when she is not suffering for me and probably she will never be with me again... Because I cheated on her and she has realized and she has never loved me...
I feel like come back together is impossible cause all is messed up and horrible! (For me, of course. She seems content and full of life and joy. Better than ever).
I do not why but lately, I have the deep feeling like something paranormal or an inner voice (and every day, I have that feeling stronger) that "says" me that she is dating someone else or like if she likes someone, she is flirting or something like this.
Related to that, yesterday, I saw she wore on her finger a gold ring and it seems like her wedding ring. (She got divorce two years ago). Not sure about if that ring was from her married cause I do not remember well how was it.
She also wore another new gold ring with a heart's shape.
All that,made me got in panic and feel insecure and nervious because of the rings I though about if maybe my feeling is true, and she has get back with her ex husband or those rings are a gift from someone new who she is dating.
I do not know it. They are just negative thoughts and suppositions I'm doing because of my fears.
I could not stand imagining my love making love with another person or having love feelings for someone else...It hurst me too much!
If she was with someone else, would be a real possibility to make her back with me?
How can I make with LOA she falls in love with me and trust me again?
Does anyone had to deal with seeing their ex at work everyday and he/she ignored you?
How did you deal with that situation? How did you act?
Even if I try to stay positive and think of I will get her back, I constantly go down again when I see her at work and I see her behaviour ignoring me and she looks happy without me.
How can I keep on trusting that I'm getting her back if in the reality I see her at work not paying attention to me and even she does not look at me or talk to me? See seems happier than ever. She talks to other colleges, jokes, laughs and I am there like if I were a ghost she does not see me...
How can I act as if when I see that siruation at work? How can I make it does not affect me and keeping my vibration high?
I need your advices please and the steps that I can follow. Cause I feel lost and I do not know how to make her back cause my deepest feelings say that it is impossible. How can I change them?
Please I need a miracle.
Thank you soooo much!