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2/27/2017 2:20 pm  #1

The Journey

Hi everyone. ย I just discovered this over the weekend and immediately started the 25 day challenge. ย Today is my first day. ย My break-up was just last Thursday night. ย Is there anyone or people willing to do this with me for support who are close to the same time frame as I am? ย I'm excited about this. ย I'm actually feeling good and energetic for some reason considering how fresh it is.


2/27/2017 8:59 pm  #2

Re: The Journey

Lets do it :-)


2/27/2017 9:33 pm  #3

Re: The Journey

Hi. ย Thanks for responding. ย Where are you at in the process?

     Thread Starter

2/27/2017 9:35 pm  #4

Re: The Journey

I'll start with you only. i am reading the other book named how to get ....... n i have bought this one too. so let's start this :-)


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