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2/26/2017 5:18 pm  #1

It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

Although I was new to these forums, I have known LOA for many years, and today looking back I have realised that every time I have wanted an Ex back, and practiced techniques on them. They have always returned. But I noticed a pattern. It was always when I was truly happy with myself and my life..and sometimes even happy with someone else that they came crawling back. (That doesn't mean you have to meet someone and move on, different situations for different people.)

I was so focused on this current situation working, I almost forgot the amount of times it has actually worked. Many times I have had an ex boyfriend after a few weeks/months come either trying to worm their way back in or asking for another chance. But it was always when I just didn't care about the outcome anymore and had finally let go and focused on my own happiness.Β 

There is more to life than just 'getting back an ex'. When you truly love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, that is when you can manifest anything you want - even a specific person/ex. If you are attached to the point of obsession and pining over them still, it is a repellent and gives off such a negative vibe.Β 

The best thing we can all do is focus on ourselves and better our lives, grow and learn every day, and have faith the universe has our back always. If it hasn't manifested yet, then look inside yourself, what are your insecurities? What are you unhappy about in yourself and your life? And if your answer is "because I am not with so and so" Then you really need to think about what makes you truly happy other than this one person. They should never be your source of happiness. Β 

LOA is very real and very powerful. All these techniques help you to get into alignment, different techniques work for different people. But if you are too attached you need to let it go. You only have one life! You need to make it all about you and your wants and needs! If your life is solely focused on one person and getting one person back, its not really a life is it? There are so many more things you can manifest and create beyond your wildest dreams!!Β 

But my point is, it does work and will work. Continue to live by the law of attraction, its not something you use its a way of life, a way of thinking. It is powerful stuff. Always keep the faith, even at your lowest and most doubtful moment, try and think of all the little things you have manifested and hold onto them. Everyone can do this if you believe in it 100%. IT ALWAYS DELIVERS.Β 

Last edited by Meg2222 (2/26/2017 5:20 pm)


2/26/2017 6:08 pm  #2

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

Thank you meg2222.
Sending your lots of lights & love.
God bless you


2/26/2017 6:49 pm  #3

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

I appreciate this.


2/27/2017 1:58 am  #4

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

This is so good!


2/27/2017 5:58 am  #5

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

Thanks guys Hope it helped some people on here too! x

     Thread Starter

2/27/2017 8:21 am  #6

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

Thank you for the encouragement Meg!

The Universe is your playground.

2/27/2017 8:53 am  #7

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

No worries!

Just been listening to this, and its really lifted me up and made me laugh so much...its to clear subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs but the classical music is really making me chuckle! I am not sure if its the actual energy frequencyΒ or if its just funny haha! Have a listen its really brightened my day!Β


     Thread Starter

2/27/2017 10:08 am  #8

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

Thanks for sharing. I'm having trouble detaching and not feeling the abcense of my boyfriend of 3 years who broke up with me out of the blue when nothing was wrong between us (he was having a personal issue)

Are there any techiniques you recommend to trust in the universe and just let go? Other than Veronica's videos lol

Last edited by go81013 (2/27/2017 10:08 am)


2/27/2017 10:15 am  #9

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

go81013 wrote:

Thanks for sharing. I'm having trouble detaching and not feeling the abcense of my boyfriend of 3 years who broke up with me out of the blue when nothing was wrong between us (he was having a personal issue)

I would highly recommend to stop repeating your story over and over again. Not only on the forum, but also in your head. Nothing can change as long as you are focused on what was/is.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

2/27/2017 1:02 pm  #10

Re: It definitely does work, but it is all about you.

go81013 wrote:

Thanks for sharing. I'm having trouble detaching and not feeling the abcense of my boyfriend of 3 years who broke up with me out of the blue when nothing was wrong between us (he was having a personal issue)

Are there any techiniques you recommend to trust in the universe and just let go? Other than Veronica's videos lol

There is a technique. Its called believing in yourself and that you can detach yourself from him.


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