So last week I spoke to my guy on and off most of the week with the odd message here and there. He'd ignored my last message on Sunday which didn't really bother me as I thought maybe i'd pushed it a bit with the messages. My mindset was right ok I need to back off and leave him be, I done only CTC on Sunday night and nothing since. I'd jokingly said to my friend he's holding off replying until valentines day so he can wish me a happy valentines lol. I got a happy valentines message, not from him but from a guy from the same country as him (same one who sent me a happy birthday).
I'd literally just stepped out the gym tonight and picked up my phone and up flashes a 'heyyy' from my love. Ok it's probably in response to my message on Sunday but still he made contact and it's valentines day
Don't put it down as "it's probably in response to my message on sunday". This is amazing! Your love TEXTED YOU on VALENTINESDAY. I would guess any guy would be careful with texting at this special day. You are on his mind. Enjoy his texts, be gratefull for the contact you have with him and all the messages you receive (so you allow more of them to come!). Keep it up
Lovelife wrote:
Don't put it down as "it's probably in response to my message on sunday". This is amazing! Your love TEXTED YOU on VALENTINESDAY. I would guess any guy would be careful with texting at this special day. You are on his mind. Enjoy his texts, be gratefull for the contact you have with him and all the messages you receive (so you allow more of them to come!). Keep it up
Thanks Lovelife my friend said the same to me and told me NOT to put it down to him responding to my message from Sunday. She also reminded me what you have just done the fact that he MESSAGED ME on Valentine's Day even if it was just a 'heyy' and then stopped, he was reaching out! Usually if he hadn't replied after a day he wouldn't and certainly not after 2 days, he would tend to just ignore the message and it wasn't even a message that you had to reply to! I am grateful for the contact that we have, even though it's slow it's definitely an improvement and that is a POSITIVE! Things are going in the right direction and I am in no hurry.
This is great, I am happy for you! Obviously thinking of you on the special day xx
daisychain wrote:
So last week I spoke to my guy on and off most of the week with the odd message here and there. He'd ignored my last message on Sunday which didn't really bother me as I thought maybe i'd pushed it a bit with the messages. My mindset was right ok I need to back off and leave him be, I done only CTC on Sunday night and nothing since. I'd jokingly said to my friend he's holding off replying until valentines day so he can wish me a happy valentines lol. I got a happy valentines message, not from him but from a guy from the same country as him (same one who sent me a happy birthday).
I'd literally just stepped out the gym tonight and picked up my phone and up flashes a 'heyyy' from my love. Ok it's probably in response to my message on Sunday but still he made contact and it's valentines day
What's CTC?
PrettyFlamingo wrote:
daisychain wrote:
So last week I spoke to my guy on and off most of the week with the odd message here and there. He'd ignored my last message on Sunday which didn't really bother me as I thought maybe i'd pushed it a bit with the messages. My mindset was right ok I need to back off and leave him be, I done only CTC on Sunday night and nothing since. I'd jokingly said to my friend he's holding off replying until valentines day so he can wish me a happy valentines lol. I got a happy valentines message, not from him but from a guy from the same country as him (same one who sent me a happy birthday).
I'd literally just stepped out the gym tonight and picked up my phone and up flashes a 'heyyy' from my love. Ok it's probably in response to my message on Sunday but still he made contact and it's valentines dayWhat's CTC?
It's Cutting the cord, it's a Lanie meditation
Meg2222 wrote:
This is great, I am happy for you! Obviously thinking of you on the special day xx
Thanks Meg, I like to think he was! Haven't heard from him since I replied and asked how he was, he replied and asked how I was to which I replied then nothing! Men lol
daisychain wrote:
PrettyFlamingo wrote:
daisychain wrote:
So last week I spoke to my guy on and off most of the week with the odd message here and there. He'd ignored my last message on Sunday which didn't really bother me as I thought maybe i'd pushed it a bit with the messages. My mindset was right ok I need to back off and leave him be, I done only CTC on Sunday night and nothing since. I'd jokingly said to my friend he's holding off replying until valentines day so he can wish me a happy valentines lol. I got a happy valentines
message, not from him but from a guy from the same country as him (same one who sent me a happy birthday).
I'd literally just stepped out the gym tonight and picked up my phone and up flashes a 'heyyy' from my love. Ok it's probably in response to my message on Sunday but still he made contact and it's valentines dayWhat's CTC?
It's Cutting the cord, it's a Lanie meditation
What is cutting the cord method?
Zenith wrote:
daisychain wrote:
PrettyFlamingo wrote:
What's CTC?
It's Cutting the cord, it's a Lanie meditation
What is cutting the cord method?
It's a Lanie Stevens meditation, this is the description from her site - Once you cut the cord with your man you can work on him with "Pussy Whip" or "How to Make Him Burn With Desire" because YOU will control the relationship and him! We've all been there and it hurts to be rejected by the one we love. Get over the loss of love! Before doing ANYTHING I recommend that you disconnect from your man. Not only will he feel the disconnect but it will allow you to get your power back where it belongs -- with YOU !
daisychain wrote:
Zenith wrote:
daisychain wrote:
It's Cutting the cord, it's a Lanie meditationWhat is cutting the cord method?
It's a Lanie Stevens meditation, this is the description from her site - Once you cut the cord with your man you can work on him with "Pussy Whip" or "How to Make Him Burn With Desire" because YOU will control the relationship and him! We've all been there and it hurts to be rejected by the one we love. Get over the loss of love! Before doing ANYTHING I recommend that you disconnect from your man. Not only will he feel the disconnect but it will allow you to get your power back where it belongs -- with YOU !
Disconnect in the sense of not contacting or just stop thinking about him and let loose?