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1/24/2017 5:38 pm  #1

Realisation after a great loss and grief.

Losing my boy wags (my dog) has put so much into perceptive for me these past couple of days. He loved unconditionally and only wanted to make people happy. I will miss him so so much.

I am so grateful for my friends and family who have been so supportive and loving during this time of grief. Even the vets were wonderful and so supportive.ย 
I am so grateful for the 13 years he gave me, when i suffered from depression he would lick the tears off my face and was always by my side. We had a special bond that not a lot of people will understand. He was there for me at times when I had no one. I will always be thankful for him, he was and still is a beautiful soul.
I am grateful for A and meeting him, he has made me realise I can love again and meet someone amazing who treats me with respect and love. I am letting him go but deep down I still have the desire to be with him. But I am leaving it to the universe. I will still script and RS only because it makes me happy.
I am grateful that I have now realised in myself that my happiness is the most important thing and wags would have wanted me to be the happiest I could be. And I deserve all my desires.
Sometimes a great tragedy wakes us up to life and what it is really all about.
Thank you my darling boy, you have given me so much in my life and I will continue to honor your life by being the happiest I can be. ย ย 
Sleep well my angel xxxxxxxxxxxย 


1/24/2017 6:11 pm  #2

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

Wags is with all the other good boys and girls now, sorry for your loss I understand what you went through, but Wags will always be with you in your heart.



1/24/2017 11:46 pm  #3

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

I am very sorry for your loss of your heart dog. Your post really touched me. Sending huge hugs and positive vibes your way.


1/25/2017 5:42 am  #4

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

Thank you guys, I am at work today and I really dont want to be here xx

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1/25/2017 8:22 am  #5

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

I truly understand what you are going through. Some people don't. But losing a pet is truly losing family in every sense of the world. Family that loved you unconditionally and never judged you. Please find comfort of recalling the good times with wags.ย ย 

The Universe is your playground.

1/25/2017 8:49 am  #6

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

I am so so sorry for your loss. I've had cats my whole life and every time one of them dies, it breaks my heart. It's grief just like it is for a person. Give yourself time to grieve and try to spend your time among animal lovers who understand how devastating the loss of a beloved dog is,and they can help support you.


1/25/2017 9:57 am  #7

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

So sorry for your loss   your post is beautiful and im sure wags will be looking out for you and spinning a bit of LoA magic for you.  I have many animal friends in spirit and they have taught me so much about life and death and that they do go on and are around in Spirit. Healing hugs xxx

Love is all

1/25/2017 10:28 am  #8

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

Thank you everyone, I will miss him every day and he will always be in my thoughts as the happiest little man ever! You are right, it is losing a family member, and people who arent pet lovers will struggle to understand but I am glad there are so many people who do get it. He was my rock and best friend. I feel so sad but so grateful for the time I had with him. its just going to take a while to get the image out of my head where he fell in my armsย 

Thank you again xxx

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1/25/2017 11:17 am  #9

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

I lost my cat last November and I was heartbroken. I know exactly how you feel. ย They mean everything to us don't they?

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

1/25/2017 3:49 pm  #10

Re: Realisation after a great loss and grief.

Yes they really do, I can't stop crying and picturing it in my head how he just went to sleep. I feel so guilty but it was the right thing to do. I am feeling a lot of love though, like losing him has released something in my its weird.. xx I'm sorry you lost your cat, I have 2 and they are my babies too! xx

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