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1/10/2017 10:17 pm  #1

Manifested a few things

So I have been on the hunt for this drink called "ecto cooler", and I heard a while back that this store that I go to carries it, but I never found it. So I remember asking the universe for it. I totally forgot about it and tonight when i was at that store for something else as I was gonna pay I found a rack full of them! I thanked the universe. Also a while back I had lost one of my favorite lipsticks. I lost it in my dads car but we checked the car 3 times and still couldn't find it. I asked the universe to bring it back to me. Then my dad had to get his car fixed, and when he got it back today, the person who fixed the car had left it on top of the seat! He could have thrown it away, turns out it was under the seat and the only way to get to it was to take the seat out completely, (which we couldn't do ourselves). I also have been wanting to spend more time with my aunt, the other day I asked the universe to let her ask me to spend time with her. Then as I was starting to write this, she called me and asked if I wanted to see her on Friday! The universe has been so good to me. I am so thankful. If I can do this, I KNOW my love is coming. (I feel like I'm already with him anyway) I promise you guys when you get in a good place, everything you want and ask for comes to you!

Believe and you shall recieve. <3

1/11/2017 6:08 am  #2

Re: Manifested a few things

This is great!
thanks for sharing Β 
the universe never lets you down <3
keep up the good work!

She believed she could, so she did.

1/11/2017 8:43 am  #3

Re: Manifested a few things

I'm glad for you!Β  You're having fun!!

The Universe is your playground.

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