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1/06/2017 8:48 am  #1

Realisation of past few weeks!

Not an actual success story but I was sat at work just thinking back over the past few weeks and realised I have had so many positive things happen, at the time I didn't give some of them much thought but when all put together this has really boosted my vibration even more....if that was possible!  Little background - I met my love while on holiday (yep typical holiday fling!) and went back over to spend time with him a few months later.....long story short first week was amazing and second went downhill....I eventually found out he'd started seeing another girl a few weeks before I went back!

In the last few weeks a lot has happened, some might not mean much to others or are just pure coincidence but they all make me feel great

My 12 year old nephew informed me he’d been speaking to my love on messenger and has done a few times

I started feeling empty like I had no feelings and I didn’t want to do PW or anything, which in a strange way made me feel more relaxed about him and the situation

I got an email from an old ex (our relationship was 12 years ago, he's now married to the girl he got with a few months after we split and last time we'd spoken was 2 years ago) he sent me an email to see if I was ok and wish me happy Christmas and new year
I broke NC and messaged my love, he'd been offline for a few hours so just wished him happy holidays, he came straight on and messaged me back just as I put my phone down, i've messaged a few times over the past few weeks and he's always responded well but then stopped after a few messages, I realise I push it too quick which realising I do this makes me also realise how much I have changed and grown in a way!
Before I went to bed one night I asked for something to show me my love was thinking about me….woke up at 3.30 am and smack bang a picture comes into my head with the words….i’m thinking about you too on it!
Whilst at work we had the radio on as my boss was off (we aren't allowed it on when boss in).  This day I couldn't stop thinking negative and angry thoughts towards my love and our song comes on the radio, I have never heard this on the radio before!
The past few weeks i've been having trouble visualising my love during BWD or to feel anything really (I've gone from having really good ones with amazing contact to not being able to see him well and me being unable to feel any kind of feeling .  As before I said how nice it would be to know he’s feeling something for me and missing me before I went to bed - Had amazing intense dream where he pulled me on to him, kissed me and told me he kept getting intense feelings, I asked if good or bad and he said some really good and some not so.  Was 3.11 when I woke up and 3.22 when I finished writing note in phone to remember dream
I was talking to a friend on facebook the other night before I went to bed and it came up that my love had liked a few posts of other peoples, I had a moan to my friend how he’d liked posts on fb and how he hadn’t liked any of mine for months and months.  Woke up next morning and he’d liked my latest post (gobsmacked I was)
During visualising today I was having a conversation with him where he was asking my favourite smells and sounds, I said cut grass amongst others was my favourite smell.  All that night I could smell cut grass in my toilet and kitchen.  Was also thinking to myself before going to sleep how it would be nice to hear his voice again as I couldn’t remember it, within half an hour I could hear his voice clearly talking.  Also woke up a little bit after falling asleep with a voice saying loudly ‘open it, open it’ (very bizarre and no idea what this referred to!)
Done visualisation twice last night (both were nice loving, holding hands ones) both times he had been online when I started and went off within a minute of me doing....he's feeling it lol
This morning I woke up to a dating app request from his Boss at his summer job, this guy hassled me a little the first time I was there (before anything happened with my man) with the usual holiday stuff you get from guys, will you have a drink with me, I love you, you know the stuff.  The second time I went back he was really nice and treated me as normal.

Anyways, as I said possibly purely coincidences/or seeing more into things than I should but regardless they feel amazing and i'm flying high!!!  I've also just realised that all this has happened since I started finding it hard to visualise him and feel any feelings/emotions when doing so!

Last edited by daisychain (1/06/2017 9:16 am)


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