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12/01/2016 6:49 pm  #1

Attracted Money!

Hi all,

I am constantly reminded that LOA is present in all areas of our life. As I have mentioned before I work two jobs and also attend school full time. My work accumulated vacation pay during the year and pays it out in December. Well this week I got a pay stub for my vacation and pay and received it today. The funny thing? I am the only employee that received it today. Also, I work at a real estate brokerage and an agent came in and gave us $1000 and it was split evenly amongst my coworkers as a thank you. Finally, my other job with an agent who is the most generous and kind woman I have ever met paid me today, gave me my Christmas bonus and a little extra. Thank you Thank you Thank you LOA! Money is something that I have a lot of resistance around because due to unforseen circumstances I accumulated a lot of debt and as a result could not pay my bills at some point. Things certainly are turning around.Β 

Last edited by Alycat1110 (12/01/2016 6:51 pm)


12/01/2016 6:51 pm  #2

Re: Attracted Money!

Whooaaa! Thats amazing!


12/01/2016 6:52 pm  #3

Re: Attracted Money!

Did you just think about the money you wanted?


12/01/2016 7:45 pm  #4

Re: Attracted Money!

Beautiful_1 wrote:

Did you just think about the money you wanted?

TBH I don't think about money at all until I have used way too many Ubers and bought way too much Starbucks lol that's my resistance though, instead I should be thinking I always have money. So maybe that is why for the past month I have been finding money all over the darn place because I haven't been thinking about it and always just felt I had it. I once wrote about how I wasn't getting a student loan and then all of a sudden I got my student loan, and I got way more than expected. I just let it go. So from that day I have saved a lot of money that is usually really hard for a student to save and also I am using it to go on my beautiful trip to Costa Rica in August with my Love!

     Thread Starter

12/01/2016 8:08 pm  #5

Re: Attracted Money!

Oh okay. So its just thinking you want more money and then letting it go?

Not thinking about the how you getting it.


12/01/2016 8:23 pm  #6

Re: Attracted Money!

Exactly, it just comes to you. I mean I get paid every week so I know to expect that, but surprises like this are just gifts and manifestations from the Universe showing me how confident I should be in manifesting all things in all areas of my life. Then I just let it go. It helps to be really busy i find that my mind can only properly focus on one thing and it helps me remain present and not thinking about not having.Β 

     Thread Starter

12/01/2016 8:49 pm  #7

Re: Attracted Money!

aww thats good. Im still working on that part.

Is that also how you got your love back?


12/01/2016 8:58 pm  #8

Re: Attracted Money!

Absolutely! It all works the same. I attracted him back and then we broke up again so we are currently finding our way back to each other but we are pretty much there. I know my manifestation is around the corner!Β 

Let go, let the Universe it is my favourite mantra when I'm resisting and attached!Β 

     Thread Starter

12/01/2016 10:29 pm  #9

Re: Attracted Money!

Amazing! Definitely inspiration for me to say **** it to the doubts!

Congrats to you again!


12/01/2016 11:16 pm  #10

Re: Attracted Money!

I love success stories...


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