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11/22/2016 10:02 am  #1

How my relationship with my dad was fixed without me realising :')

So I was pondering about the relationships in my life and I think one of the biggest ones that was fixed was the one with my dad. I didn't realise this until now. Around 2-3years ago me and my dad started to have a communication strain and we ended up having a very big fight. We didn't talk and avoided each others' space despite living with each over.
Over the years it really took over my emotional state and mental state. I always visualised us having a mended relationship but I was always worried about ''how'', ''when'', ''why'' etc... I was always worried about the outcome.
Then 2months ago everything negative thought I had building up exploded in my face. At that point I screamed to the world you know what ''Forget it. Our relationship I don't care if it gets mended and I will stand proud and tall as his daughter using my way of doing things whether he likes it or not. He will listen. Even if he hates me I know our relationship will be fixed by the end. It just isn't the right time to give up.''
The next day me and my dad got the opportunity to meet up and talk in private. I walked in full of confidence and suppressed every negative emotion I had as best as possible. After I let out all my feelings I spent some time away to let everything blow over.Β 
Now 2months down the line, our relationship has gotten better, we talk and laugh every now and then. We even had a good whatsapp convo last night- first time in 2-3years.

What I'm trying to say is thoughts really do create things. I always set the intention of wanting a better relationship with my dad but always had negative thoughts about what was going to happen- I didn't care for the outcome by the end. I stopped worrying about the hows and whys and just tried my best to make myself happy. So what happened was I got my desire (my renewed relationship with my dad) but through my negative experiences- something that was unavoidable due to my constantly negative thoughts back then. So I had to walk through a storm before coming out stronger and better.

I also want to thank the Universe for making me realise how important my relationship with my dad and family is. I realised no matter how much fights or arguments, family is always important and unconditional love is also important. I am truely grateful to have a family that will stand together, even if it's not always in harmony.Β 

Last edited by zionthecomedian (11/22/2016 10:07 am)

I thank the universe for everything.

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