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11/15/2016 10:39 am  #1

I was reminded...

I haven't been on the forum for a couple weeks. I was feeling hopeless and in despair. I gave up, and decided to completely let go. In my mind I had put a deadline of manifestation of any kind by the end of November with a desire for him to contact me in any way. I decided to move on and focus on me.

He messaged me last week, was a very nice message. It was not romantic in anyway but had a nice pleasant tone to it.
I have read about other people's experience with this and how they were elated but that they moved to fast and it sent them back to the despair state.
I am trying not to do that. I responded to his message but only after three days and tried to keep it neutral and friendly.
I have looked for a response but not too much and I am reminding myself to let go and trust in the process.
It reminded me that anything is possible if I believe, but also when I let go, focus on me, my happiness and just trust


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Veronica Isles LOA coach