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I feel confident that he is mine. He belongs to me. And the universe loves me. And he loves me. Should I go for it?
Or is it too early... I see people where they waited 2 months until every last fear was gone. I know Veronica says wait for them to contact you.. but I also saw someone who followed Veronicas coaching and still reached out to their man after 2 months and it worked... what should I do? I am convinced there is no other girl.
I'd still wait a bit, I've been doing it for around 2-3weeks now but just when I think I'm confident enough, I sometimes go back into my old habit and ways. It's best to wait and love what's around you at the moment. No need to rush
Last edited by zionthecomedian (11/13/2016 3:06 pm)
I just read over your other post and seing the vibration you are emitting there, I wouldn't do it.
Yeah... you guys might be right I slip in and out of confidence! also how do you permanently dispel the idea of another girl. I know Thomas does NOT have another girl. But how do you permanently get rid of that thought.
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