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9/29/2016 6:26 pm  #1

Sings of him!

So, 2 days ago I decided to go NC once again since he told me he's trying to date again, but that he stills single. I totally felt like this is it, I have to disappear from his life once and for all. I blocked his number and said to myself "I believe in the LAO, I know we are ment to be, he's already back with me, so I need to stop the chase and stop answering every text he send me (cause we haven't stop talking during the breakup) and wait for a concrete action/move from him. I haven't seen him since august 3. So, this noon I went to work, and guess what?... Surprise! He was passing by, parked his car and say hi to me, like nothing happened 2 days ago... I almost had a heart attack lol. He looked me deep in the eyes like always, huged me and didn't want to let go of my hand. He asked me how I was doing, very casual, and also at what time I was out of work, that a band was playing tonight at the beach-bar we used to go everytime, but nothing else, again, everything casual. Well, he jumped into he's car, and we said good bye through the distance :,). Oh well, I was again feeling butterflies... I missed him so much, so yes, I guess I manifested this unexpected meeting after all... Our b-day is this saturday, yeah, we share the same b-day , so let's see. The Universe told me, "I got this, please trust me!" Everything is going to manifest, I know, I'm now ready to receive all my blessings and dreams. I'm ready!! I'm a child of light, I deserve it, I create it all! πŸƒπŸŒΈβœ¨πŸ™πŸΌ

Don't STOP the good vibration! We are all getting our persons BACK!!! We made a request to the Universe remember?!! Is on the waaay, Yayyyyy!! πŸ˜˜πŸ’—πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’


9/29/2016 11:28 pm  #2

Re: Sings of him!

"Don't STOP the good vibration! We are all getting our persons BACK!!! We made a request to the Universe remember?!! Is on the waaay, Yayyyyy!! πŸ˜˜πŸ’—πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’"

I like this!
Keep going


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