Hello again… I deleted my last thread because of personal reasons with my ex. We have had some interesting developments over the past week. A little over a month ago my fiancée broke up with me due to problems in our past relationship. We have been together for almost 4 years. There was a third-party in the mix and I was completely distraught. That's how I found this program. I've been on it for a little over a week. And have seen some interesting changes. My ex and I live together so no contact was very difficult to do. But somehow we've gotten through it OK. At first it was very difficult. Because I was getting so many mixed signals from her. She wanted to be friends. But she still continues to not really treat me like a friend. She continues to be very affectionate with me. I read up on remote seduction. And started practicing that for a couple of days to see if anything happened. And it did. After a couple glasses of wine and a nice dinner she wanted to make out session. It was interesting. I didn't let things get out of hand because I knew emotionally I couldn't handle it. But all in all we had a pretty good night. She has told me repeatedly that she doesn't need time away from me. That she wants to live in the moment and not think about the future. So today after having a nice breakfast she made a comment that she so glad that we don't fight anymore. She explained that she feels that we don't fight because we're not together.I told her that I disagree. I told her that I felt we didn't fight because after many years I finally listened. I've changed how I react to situations and I'm just trying to be happy. We talked a lot today. The other person in this equation is only a friend. She stresses to me that that is all she wants. She cannot see her self with that person. She also said that she wants me to find my happiness. To go out and live. I asked her if that meant seeing someone new. She said if I wanted to to go for it. I asked her how she would feel about that. She said she would be jealous. But if it is what I wanted and she would have to live with it. She's not necessarily encouraging me but I think she's leaving the door open for whatever it is that I want. She said she wanted us to be the best of friends right now. That she doesn't know what the future hold for us. But that she doesn't want to lose me. I know that she met someone a few nights ago from another state that Iasked her out. And I know that she is talking to him on social media. Apparently this guy works in her field of study and has an amazing job up north. I have asked her if she is interested in dating him. She said that she's not thinking about that. And anyway he lives very far away. I don't know if he would be considered a rebound or not. I think she's just trying to see where this road leads her. But at the same time she is hanging on to me. She made a comment today that she feels that I don't want to date anyone because I'm holding out hope that she and I will get back together. I told her that I would love to have a life with her eventually, but I don't know what the future holds for us. But that I'm in no way limiting myself and closing any doors that may open for me. But the honest truth is that I am holding out hope. I have no interest in anyone else right now. Definitely not a relationship. We have four years together. We have a family. We have history. And I honestly cannot see myself with anyone else. Because I know we are meant to be together. I know the universe brought us together. And I have no doubt it will bring us together again when the time is right. I'm doing my best to follow the program and do what I need to do for me. Some days it seems to be working because the way she acts with me shows me how much she cares. And she did tell me today that she loves me. That she has never doubted her love for me. But as far as being with someone intimately right now is not what she wants. She said she can't really see herself with anyone right now. So I'm not sure where that leaves us. Do I continue to do what I'm doing for me and hope that the universe sees fit to return her to me? We have so many plans still in play. From birthdays to holidays to a vacation in January which coincidently is our anniversary. I keep a vision in my head that by January we will be celebrating our anniversary. A new anniversary. Not the couple we used to be but the couple that we've grown to be. Any advice?
It all sounds good. I think you learn so much as you reflect on the errors in a relationship (how it was and what went wrong) and you learn your lessons and realise how you can be different. It sounds like you've been doing this personal self development work and making an effort to have a wonderful new relationship with her. Just keep your vision in mind about what you want to happen but at the same time don't be attached to it. it's a paradox but you have to sort of let go and at the same time focus on the positive 'new' relationship and you can do the visualisations etc to help raise your vibration re: the relationship. Just keep seeing the two of you happy and feel the joy in that.
Thanks for the post. Well something happened that I knew was coming. This person..her coworker...her boss turned on her in a bad way. She lost her job because of it today. And has probably lost the friendship that she had with this person. The thing is she is so distraught about it all. Mostly her job. I've tried to be supportive and let her know she can find something else. But she is broken up over this possible lost friendship. I don't understand it all. I mean how can you still want to be friends with someone who turns on you...lies to you and treats you like ****? I mean I wonder if she would be as broken if she lost me ? What is this hold this other person has on her ? I've visualized her returning to me. Apologizing and coming back happy. But it's hard when I see her this way. I prayed for a rift between them and I knew eventually that it would happen. It was inevitable. But I don't know what to do now. Keep visualizing the good and that she will come back? Is there a way I can send all my love and energy to her to help her see that I am here and always will be ? It's hard to see her like this. I just want her to see me..feel my love and know I am the one for her.
I can only share what I find is helpful in these kind of situations. Sit in meditation and then call her by name, picture her across from you and say the following 'Please forgive me as I forgive you, I'm sorry, thank you, I love you" then 'hear' her say the same words to you. Also feel the love you have for her as you do this, smile as you both would when things were great between you. Be a good friend to her right now, just be there for her, be kind and loving.
Well things have been moving slowly. She is no longer speaking to the person she left me for and we continue to live together though she is talking a lot about moving out at the beginning of the year. She joined some dating sites and has met a couple of guys she's talking to. One she seems hopeful about. She thinks he's really nice. But the thing is.....we have this book we write to each other in. And she uses it for a journal and keeps logs of her thoughts and sessions with her therapist. She is very depressed and confused right now. Her latest entry talked about how much she loves me but sometimes love isn't enough. She named all my good qualities and bad. How she feels justified in breaking up with me. And then questions herself on how she would feel if this is our last holiday together. How would she feel if she lost everything with me and couldn't see my smile. She follows up with saying that she wishes I would go back to the asshole she felt I was before because Staying broken up with me would be so much easier. She wants her independence back. She wants to know we can be ok alone. I get some of this. But it seem to me she is still questioning her decisions. I guess because I have now become the person she needed all along but she can't get past the resentment and anger of whoninwas before. I'm starting the program over and doing my beetbtibbe better everyday. Though some days are hard especially when she's texting these guys. Any advice on how I can help with my manifestations? I was so happy when she ended it with the other person. I thought we had a chance. Now I just don't know.