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9/07/2016 6:36 am  #1

My Success Story after starting to love myself.

Β  Β  Β  It's been a while I've stop visiting all the LOA sites and trying to push myself so hard that ends up making me feels like, LOA is exhausting for me. So, HI GUYS. Im back to share a small success story, its not a I GET MY EX BACK success but keep reading. If you guys know me, You'd know that I used to suffered and enjoyed being suffered with my ex, who I thought was my True Love, Soulmate. But then, after the breakups and ugly ending between us, I've finally realised I deserve better. Well, I have to say, It's not easy to get over a 2 yrs+ relationship. But it gets easier and easier everyday. When you have finally found your self worth, you'll finally set yourself free.
Β  Β  Β 8 months ago, I suffered from the fact he left. I'm just human, like all of you. I cant sleep, I cant eat properly, I have to party every night to get him off my mind, even when I do sleep it feels sooo hard to wake up. You just wanna lay in the bed all day and just wait for him to return. But, he never did. Then something just finally hits me, I NEED MY HAPPINESS BACK. Then, I realised its not him anymore, he gave me too much sadness, why the heck did I think that he's my happiness. I have to find my happiness, IN ME. Im the one who responsible of what Im feeling and what Im getting in MY LIFE. I started to take good care of myself, I started to eat healthy and stop partying, the main thing is, I tell myself that Im good, I love me. No one else will love me more than I do. Then i started to feel good about myself. THEN people starting to came and chase me again. But i know, I wont fell for it that easily. SO I ask the universe, for my SOULMATE, who can truly love me for who I am, truly understands me, someone who truly is THE ONE.Β 
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Here comes the MAGIC MAN, I never ever wanted a younger guy, but there he is, I'd call him, Mr.L. He show me how does people truly loves you acts like. He knows my past, my scars, my good side and the bad side. He still loves me when he see me at my worst. He's afraid of losing me. He's the rainbow after the rainstorm. YUP, We're together now for like almost 6 months, and we're still loving each other crazily. I really hope that we'll spend our life together. Im looking forward for our future.Β 
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  I cant say that Im having a perfect life now but I know It's better than before. Of course, we'll have our bad days. Mr.L and I will sometimes fight and doubt our future, but I know LOA will forever be there for me. What I want to learn now is to stable our relationship. I looked through this forum these days to look for tips for lasting our love. But sadly, I havent found any. If you guys have any advice, PLEASE COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW.
Β  Β  Β  Β  Last but not least, Im not saying that, you guys should give up what you all want and get yourself a new partner. I just want all of you to know your own self worth and love yourself more. Let the one who lost you knows that you're what they're missing. I hope everyone gets what that want.Β <3

PS. Im so sorry for the bad english as it's not my mother language. And, if anyone feels offended, Im sorry. I didnt mean that wayΒ . XOXO guys.


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