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8/25/2016 4:33 pm  #1

Old Success Story!

Hey guys! I've never posted a success story before so I decided to share one. So a little background story, I found out about LoA because of my sister and I looked into it a bit and it was interesting but I never gave much thought to it. Ive always obsessed over this band because I just loved everything about them and I had obsessed over them for years and I always wanted to go to their concerts. Obviously you guys can tell where it goes from here haha ;) But slowly I started to stop obsessing over them. I still loved the band and their music but I just wasn't crazy obsessive. I let go and moved on with my life. So a year or two after I let go, my friend texted me out of the blue and asked me if I wanted to go to the bands concert with her. And I was like are you joking right now? Are you serious?? And she's like yes and she shows me she had an extra ticket and I was screaming I was so happy!! So we went and enjoyed our time and one of the members called at us while he was on stage!!! My friend and I were in the front of these balcony like seats (horrible explaining sorry ) and I was wear a bright blue shirt and my friend was wearing a black shirt and he said "Hello to the beautiful girls up on the balcony, blue and black shirts and he waved at us and smiled" and oh my god did we lose our voices from all that screaming hahaha!! But anyway recently I was just thinking and this moment came up in my mind and it hit me like a train that I had attracted that amazing moment into my life! I wasn't fully even into LoA at that time, I knew what it was but never actually applied it or knew what to do to get my desires. This moment was the reason why I use LoA on a daily basis now. This is what confirmed my belief. But to be 100% sure I wanted to manifest something small to make sure it really did work. I wanted to get pizza but I didn't wanna pay at all. Just free pizza. (I'm a fatty hehe) so about 2 hours later one of my close guy friend tells me to go outside cause he bought me pizza and I was like uhhhh 0.o?? I asked him why he did that and he said he just had a feeling I wanted some I was like what the hell?? So that fully confirmed LoA for me and now I'm on my way to manifest a specific person and so far it's been amazing! I'm still learning and I'm glad I came across this forum to turn to whenever I need help!

Last edited by Aisha (8/25/2016 4:34 pm)

Going with life's flow ✨

8/25/2016 6:50 pm  #2

Re: Old Success Story!

Now, I want pizza even though it's 2am here. ;D Thanks for sharing with us.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

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