Today was a bad day...I haven't had one of these bad days in a long time. I've been doing so good! Haven't been contacting first, not bringing up the current girl he is seeing when we do meet up and not letting the small things get to me like if we can only hang out for a quick lunch break. My sisters boyfriend even complemented me saying I look refreshed lately and I truly believe it's because I discovered LOA and Veronica's challenge. But today I bursted out with all these emotions like if they were bottled up inside since I discovered LOA. I contacted first...i texted him if he would like to go to the movies later...he replied with "it will be better another day...everything that's out I've seen already" I replied not so nice. Saying that I'm tired of only being able to meet up for half an hour and whole bunch of other things that I regret letting out then I go on Facebook and see that his mom is now friends with his new female he's been seeing. I know it's not good to look at social media but I feel the need to know what's going instead of being blind to what is happening. It hurt me so much to see that...I now know it's a little more serious than I thought
Neolove2 wrote:
But today I bursted out with all these emotions like if they were bottled up inside since I discovered LOA.
That's an interesting sentence, because it reveals that you have suppressed your emotions. But you can't really suppress emotions. They are still part of your vibration. LoA isn't about faking emotions. You can't do that forever. LoA is about feeling a little better and the next day feeling a little better until you feel truly good about a topic.
You are still very much in reaction mode. You blame him for his action, you worry about the girl. I don't read anything about your creative power. I would strongly suggest to practice LoA not only in this area, but in areas where it is easier to apply for you. It will strengthen your faith to see, when you see thinks happen you have thought about an hour or so ago.
Thank you sanshi guru and Wolf worrior for you replies. How should I go about this situation now that I lashed out at him? :/ I truly was feeling good before this! I was loving life...I didn't feel like I was surpressing any negitive feelings. I felt happy and living in the moment. Something I've never felt being in a on and off again relationship for 10 years. I guess it's going to take a lot of work since I'm so use to negitive feelings. Like Veronica said its kind of like a comfort for me to go back to this. I'm just so bummed out because I feel like i took 20 steps forward and 100 steps back. I'm kind of unmotivated to start all over.
Neolove2 wrote:
. I'm just so bummed out because I feel like i took 20 steps forward and 100 steps back. I'm kind of unmotivated to start all over.
I can tell you that this isn't the case and I can tell you also why you feel this way. The reason is that you measure your progress by looking at the physical manifestation. Don't do that. Instead, look at your internal progress. How do you feel compared to a few months ago? What have you learned? How has your view on things changed?
Let me tell you something. I started my journey nearly 10 months ago. In the beginning, I was exactly like you. I measured my progress by looking at my reality. I had a nice interaction with my ex, I felt good. He did something I didn't like, I felt bad. I was a reactor and it didn't serve me at all! It took me a whole while, but now I have come to the conclusion that the most important thing is how I feel and that is my main instrument to measure my progress. I had two very bad phases within the last month or so. A few days ago, I was nearly at the point to give up on LoA and be unhappy for the rest of my life, because it seemed to be so much easier. But now I see this situations were good for me. First, I really appreciate feeling good more and more. Second, it gets easier for me to go back to good feelings and I know that I can do it. When I was flying high for the first time after my breakup, I was so afraid of crashing down and not being able to scramble up again. You can imagine that this thought throws you off your high flying disk immediately. But now I don't have this fear anymore, because I know that I can and will get back there eventually. So, make the way you feel the most important thing and you will never have the feeling again that you are back at square one.
Thank you all for your replies. It truely made me take a step back and think about this all. I feel like I have a clearer perception on LAO. I hope others with the same issue and questions stumble about this has such good info! Thanks again!