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7/30/2016 5:39 pm  #11

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!

I think it could actually have been a long ago desire coming to me, this guy was the first guy to ever hurt me deeply enough to put me into a small depression and make me feel totally horrible and hopeless. I had gone through break ups before, but he was the first to hurt me profoundly enough. Even though I did move on to meet someone else, I guess I always wanted to show this guy that he missed out. He did come back to me 2 years after our break up in a sort of bullshit way, meaning he was just a bit lonely and I was on a break from my current boyfriend so he asked me if I'd be interested in starting up with him again and I said no, but that didn't feel like enough to me. Then he got this girlfriend who, from her facebook, just seems like the most perfect girl in the world for him. She's into all the stuff he's into, she's pretty, she's skinnier than me and she seemed pretty cool. When he got into a relationship with her, I guess a desire I had harboured was that he would still one day choose me over her because I wanted to be the one he couldn't forget, the one he wanted (selfish desire ! ) This was it. He chose me over her, he messed it up with her over me, and I could also turn him down.Β 
Not going to lie, it has given me more hope about this one day happening with the guy I came on here about. Time heals all wounds I realised and time can also make the past into a nice little fantasy. This ex remembered all the good parts of our relationship and none of the bad parts, especially because my vibe is even better than the one I had when I was 18 and went out with him (I'm 23 now ). I really never would have saw this coming, especially because of the time that has gone by and the fact he met someone I kind of thought would totally over shadow my existence in his books. I think it was a mixture of my vibe being high and his girlfriend's being low.Β 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

8/21/2016 3:31 pm  #12

Re: Holy cow.. Attracted an ex in front of his girlfriend!!!


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