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7/21/2016 8:39 pm  #1

How I manifested my music career..

Just wanted to share this with you all! I know it's not a success story that people on here might be looking for but it's a success story for me as it's something I've focussed on especially super hard since the break up (And similarly after my fiance took his own life 5 years ago) and music is a huge source of joy for me; it's also a refuge; and a great example to draw from I hope of LOA at work (Even though I had no idea about such concepts at age 13) Anyways...
 This is probably what springs to mind the most in terms of what I've manifested in my life.. When I was 13, I got into alternative/rock music, I was massively inspired by Kurt Cobain. I decided when I was older I wanted to play onstage like he did, and that it was most definitely going to happen! I would spend hours playing air guitar and singing in front of my mirror to an imaginary crowd, I'd day dream about playing gigs/concerts and going on tour, I was so happy thinking and dreaming of  my desire every day for years and years (playing a real guitar then as opposed to one made of air, practicing for hours on end and playing with many different people) until it happened and I saw myself in that role from then onwards in my mind I already was an (anti) 'rock star' haha! Anyways, guess what I do now?, yep I play both in a band and solo and play live loads, I've released records and I love every minute of it! While it's much harder work than I imagined in my daydreams I am now living what I used to daydream about.   I do it for the love of it, just the pure love and energy of playing and sharing music. I had no idea about LOA back then but I guess this was/is pure LOA in action.  

Last edited by Scarlet_Kerouac (7/22/2016 6:25 am)


7/21/2016 10:04 pm  #2

Re: How I manifested my music career..

Great story


7/22/2016 6:05 am  #3

Re: How I manifested my music career..

Thanks CR! Still got a way to go with it all of course, haven't quite reached KC/Nirvana level yet Haha.

 It's good for me to be thinking and focussing on my own life, achievements, even little one etc, away from any love interests etc right now. It's also cool/inetresting for  me to think about other areas of my life where LOA has been at work (even when I wasn't conscious of what I was doing) and how I felt about my desire, how visualisation happened naturally and how I felt it was a done deal etc etc.. 

Last edited by Scarlet_Kerouac (7/22/2016 6:40 am)

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7/22/2016 12:09 pm  #4

Re: How I manifested my music career..

This is also my goal thank you for sharing!! More success to you!! :D


7/23/2016 7:29 pm  #5

Re: How I manifested my music career..

Thanks SafetyPin same to you, you got this! :D

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