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7/16/2016 1:55 am  #1

Amazing Times!

Just want to share that I've seen some amazing things unfold on this journey since I started around 12 weeks ago now.ย  First of all, I have to say a huge thank you to Veronica and all the lovely people on this forum who have helped me so much with their kindness, love and words of wisdom!!!!ย  Thank you so much for your continuous encouragement and inspiration!ย  I am truly grateful

It took me a while to get my head around 'ignoring' the present reality and how it doesnt matter what's going on with my guy.ย  It really is all about me, as self centred as that sounds, lolย  but it's true.ย  I am creating my own reality and am responsible for it.ย  Once I started to truly think differently about my relationship and forgive/let go of the past, my energy started to change and I found myself becoming aligned with my 'new story' more and more.ย  And I see it unfolding before my very eyes!ย  My relationship with my fella continues to get better and betterย  and there have been wonderful coincidences and gifts along the way, signs/synchronicites/manifestations from the Universe to let me know that I'm on the right track and being supported.ย  It really comes down to what I want, not the other way about!ย  So, don't worry about what your guy/girl thinks about you two!ย  It only matters what you think and if you're consistent with what you think about the relationship, and what you are creating, it HAS to be so.ย  They will mirror your thoughts about the relationship. Isn't that cool? ย  And yes, visualisation, scripting and RS really do work!!ย  Just believe they do 100% .ย  Things really started to heat up for me when I started practising 'feeling' along side 'seeing'ย  ---- we all want JOY and LOVE, so even if you just spend time for yourself 15mins a day getting into the 'feeling' of those emotions, you will see change happen in your life.ย  I like to use affirmations for this or sometimes just imagine a loving light surrounding me in meditation.ย  Bring your person into the equation and you will see changes happen in your relationship.ย  Just feel really good about yourself, your person and the relationship and then just let go and 'enjoy' your day.ย  Life will bring you your lover to you.ย  Its all about your FOCUS.ย  And the wonderful thing is, then you have the tools to use in your new relationship to make it exactly as you want it to be!ย  That is why this journey is so amazing and we are all blessed to have even gone through what we have, because think of what you're learning now?ย  Not just for your relationships but every other aspect of your life too!ย  Its incredible.ย  This community here is such an amazing space for us!ย  I love it so much.ย 

Have a wonderful weekend, much love and blessings to you all!ย  Thank you, I love you!

Your love is already with you. x


Last edited by Susiewoo (7/16/2016 2:02 am)

Love is all

7/16/2016 4:33 am  #2

Re: Amazing Times!

Aw, I'm glad you liked it Wolf, I love reading your posts!

Love is all
     Thread Starter

7/16/2016 5:52 am  #3

Re: Amazing Times!

So thankful for this. I was just in a "mood!"

Struggling to get back into alignment after so many good "evidence it's working " days to now "what on earth where did he go.?"

Gotta go get in the mood of ignoring and focus. Thank you๐Ÿ˜‰

We are a family finally, there's nothing more beautiful than that.

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