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7/13/2016 7:32 am  #1

Change the CD!

If we are all here creating our own reality- which we ARE.. then why are so many people here so sad and desperate and dismayed?!

I'm here to tell you that you can ABSOLUTELY have the relationship that you desire. It's done. But it's not down in the mud. It's up in the vibration of love and joy and peace and happiness. Many of you are missing your own parties! You think your lover is missing.. but it's actually YOU. You've gone rogue on a misery mission! If you are frustrated and upset and worried, you can ONLY attract more evidence to  continue that loop. It's like when a CD is stuck on repeat. So what do you do? You either keep listening in utter irritation, or you get up off your butt and change the damn CD!

You get to choose. Please, make no mistake here. None of this is happening TO you. It's happening BECAUSE of YOU. Before you try to chop my roses down, HEAR ME OUT. LOA is real. It is. It exists, and it basically runs your life. And the BEST part is that YOU are the driver. You command, and LOA delivers the goods. Many people are utterly infuriated at the notion that their current reality is THEIR doing. So you can wallow in that, and huff and puff and blow your own house down.. OR you can take it as the single-most empowering piece of information you will EVER be given, and use it to your absolute advantage. I am delighted that a majority of you here have come around to this way of thinking, so it makes the entire process easier. When you become accountable for your own vibration, wonderful things start to happen.

If you don't like reality you are currently stuck in, CHANGE IT. It's the same- if you don't like the music that's playing, if it's stuck on repeat, if the disk is scratched and the music is jumping all over the place and you can't stand it anymore.. STOP AND CHANGE THE CD. Give the new CD a chance to load. Give it a little time to start spinning and building momentum.. And eagerly await for the new music to start playing. Dance to the new beat in your head while you wait. Get happy, knowing that it's coming! It's really all you have to do! 😊

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

7/13/2016 7:55 am  #2

Re: Change the CD!

Very good read. It took me sooo long to finally understand why it's so important to work on my vibration. I think many people don't really understand LoA, and because of that they don't feel like they have any control and because of that again they are frustrated, have doubts and fears. I experience it myself with the time aspect right now. I feel I'm in the right vibration or very close, but I don't have a clue, when it comes and focusing on that frustrates me, so I do it as little as possible. But most people don't understand how powerful their focus is and that it makes the difference between feeling good and feeling bad and therefore manifestation or no manifestation.

Btw, I love the "dance to the new beat in your head" part.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/13/2016 8:22 am  #3

Re: Change the CD!

Like your post cherished

To answer your first question, personally I have a habit of overthinking that can cause fear sometimes. You know they say ignorence is a bliss? Since I have known loa I make a conscious decision to wake up in happiness every morning and it works most of the time. If it's not working for what ever reason I can get discouraged, because being in the vortex feels so good right. So sometimes you know where you want to go and you are feeling you are not getting there. Maybe try to take too much effort not to allowing even a single negative thought in your mind. I noticed when I try to fight it, it becomes worse and the fear increases. Sometimes you just need to let your self be. Just as long as your overall vibration is good you have nothing to worry about. It's like you say, just relax and all will fall in place


7/13/2016 9:17 am  #4

Re: Change the CD!

Can you please elaborate the process to 'change the CD' for someone who is going through a recent breakup, don't have any close friends, struggling financially, procrastinating his preparatory work which will lead to a stable job,
Β have lost interest in his hobbies and basically instead of living his life is actually just existing.

The point of attraction is negative from this place.There dont seem to be one thing which actually is helping me to be happy... it seems all the area is a mess since the breakup. The reality which i created has trapped me in aΒ vicious circle. I am struggling to get to the Right state of being in order to change the echo(CD).

please help someone.

Thank you


7/13/2016 9:57 am  #5

Re: Change the CD!

Well Nealblanc I believe you have a good understanding about changing the CD, it's just that you are struggling how to change it. When you hit rock bottom that always seems an impossible task but you know when you feel like you are falling sometimes is just falling into place. It all begins with you. It's about your state of being not the circumstances. I have learned that it's best not to aim to high immediately. Try to go for small shifts in vibrations. Anger is better than depression for instance. If you want to talk you can always PM me. Hope you are feeling better soon.


7/13/2016 11:26 am  #6

Re: Change the CD!

Cherished wrote:

If we are all here creating our own reality- which we ARE.. then why are so many people here so sad and desperate and dismayed?!

Sometimes I think we don't allow the essence of LoA teachings to change us from the inside. Instead, we perceive LoA from the inside, through our pain and suffering, and use it in a way that perpetuates our pain instead of freeing us. For example:

1. Waiting on someone or something to justify our happiness and give us meaning instead of being happy or living meaningfully now.

2. Basing the value of our adventures not on what we gain inside of us, but on our techniques or what we get outside of us. In a sense, we haven't changed - we've taken spirituality and New Age ideas and made them materialistic. The problem is that our pain, still lodged within us by our ego-identities, is still there and getting material things can't heal the root of the pain. I think a large appeal of LoA is that it promises we can have whatever we want super easy, and we flock to it because of who we are - we identify ourselves based on what we have externally. There are two problems with this:

A) Focusing externally, like basing our happiness on getting that ex or all that money, can be a big belief gap because we feel we don't have that much control, no matter how we might think we do. The constant resisting against what we really feel instead of accepting it - fighting for control of our (external) reality instead of finding relief and peace with it - keeps us in a state of resistance.

B) When we focus externally to find value exclusively, we don't delve within internally to find value. Is it no wonder that when we base our happiness on a job, getting money, or having the ex back - constant self-worth and self-esteem issues follow suit? "As within, so without." We lose the internal locus of control. Instead of letting the within manifest without, we pursue techniques so that the without changes the within. In other words, we depend on techniques to get our stuff, hoping that getting our stuff will make us happy within, but when it doesn't happen or we notice it hasn't happened - we still hurt. As a result of this, we've forgotten the internal locus of control - that we can be happy without controlling the external world.

3. Techniques feel like a chore and we do them to get what we want instead of doing them for the feeling of having what we want. We do them hoping it will impact the outer world to get our desires but it becomes like work. It's not about techniques, we get what we are. Instead of allowing what we do to have value intrinsically like changing from within, finding better beliefs, and healing pain - we judge it externally like the complete focus on getting an ex back. In other words, we do it not from a place of self-love but from a place of "I need this to be happy, I need this to love myself....(even if it drains me)...."Β 

4. Running from the mirror. Every painful and unwanted moment can be a mirror for ourselves to understand who we are, what we believe, what we need to work on within or let go. It's not enough to just put on a new CD or focus directly on what we want because there is only here and now and this moment of now can mirror to us who we are inside and why we attract what we do. If we run from the pain and use positive thoughts to escape it like a drug, the pain will only get much bigger until we're willing to accept it, face it, and feel it. A lot of people in the world still struggle to face, accept, and express their emotions in healthy ways. To fit in, we shut them up, hide them, restrict them. With LoA it's like we've interpreted this stuff according to our own biases - we don't have to look inward because it's too painful and yet that's where healing is needed. So just like everything else, it becomes avoidance of how we really feel. The problem is that beneath the mask our real feelings and beliefs are still there and attract what we are. And here's the best part - our ego finds identity in pain and with pain in control - we keep ourselves in the endless loop - pursuing this and that, waiting for fulfillment. In a way, our attraction to these teachings may even come from our own pain. Holding on to pain makes it harder to let go of what no longer serves us, be it a "mask" in our identity or an ex or a wish we once wanted...The pain itself, powering up the ego, may even be fueling our pursuit of all these things...And if we accepted the sadness and let it heal, the irony is that perhaps our desires would change and we wouldn't be stuck in the endless loop...Making life better can be as simple as changing the way we think, but we can't find peace or lasting happiness if we let our thoughts become drugs to block out the pain we feel, our own willingness to feel first and be conscious of ourselves - no matter how dark the tunnel is - can begin personal transformation by opening up inner truth.

5. Blocking out your inner voice. This is not criticism of you Cherished but I've seen this several times and experienced all of this myself. Sometimes we rely on false hope to give us temporary comfort because accepting pain, letting it in and feeling it, is scary. So when LoA mentors tell us that we can have anything we want if we do this and that, we rely on this teaching for hope but that hope keeps us in pain. Instead of healing ourselves and accepting the pain inside, we stuff it up and follow the teachings. But the hope we're given keeps us focused externally - focusing on getting an ex back, focus on getting that text message, focus on getting the money....but we lose the internal focus and with it the internal locus of control. We're taught things like "All you need is faith" and so we try to build faith in the external things but deep within us the pain is still there and the external focus cannot release it - if feeds it. What we resist persists. And a big problem is that LoA teachings make it seem like a mortal sin to feel sad, but we can't release our own stuck emotions until we feel them and accept them. And along the way, we lose our power - we let the mentors decide what is right for us instead of listening to our own inner voice.


7/13/2016 11:27 am  #7

Re: Change the CD!

Reading this and thinking over how I got her back TWICE and from an impossible situation, just made me bounce off the walls and think of how the universe put things in my face to make me stay focused. She is my girl, my Lala. Thank you :-)!!


7/13/2016 12:35 pm  #8

Re: Change the CD!

@ Colonel Roosevelt Your post is really an eye opener for me! Especially point #4 and #5, where you basically say we need to let our feelings be and work through them. I now realize that i always have been forcing myself towards feeling good denying my true emotions. Today I decided to let my negative feelings be for a while and I vented and I tell you what I now know I don't have to struggle as much. Who decides anyways when we are in a good vibration and when we are not! I am a happy person by nature, I will always move towards joy, no matter what. We all are moving towards joy, it's our natural state of being. I think because we know too much we also worry too much. What's the worst thing that that can happen if we allow the darkness for a while? Delay of manifestation? Although it might not speed it up, we need to feel the darkness in order to appreciate the light. Sometimes it's better to go with the natural flow of life trusting the process and knowing we will always float towards the good.


7/13/2016 4:52 pm  #9

Re: Change the CD!

I agree that you have to go through the negative emotions - I think it takesΒ some time (a year or more for me!!)Β of going through all the pain etc and releasing that before you can start thinking about getting your ex back etc..I could hear from someone 'don't be sad' but it doesn't mean I could stop or deny feelings when they come (And is it healthy to?). However, it is a LOT easier now to take this on board - I'm at a stage now where I can either dwell on sad feelings or decide to change my thoughts about he situation when these thoughts pop up...and 'change the cd' Β I don't think I could have done this while I was grieving the relationship so hard still..?


7/13/2016 5:08 pm  #10

Re: Change the CD!

I've never suggested you shouldn't go through the motions. Not at all- in fact I'm the biggest advocate of working your feelings up the EGS on this board lol. And yes, it's extremely useful to work through your emotions- acknowledge where you are and step up from there. I've done it. Look back at my own posts lol.

HOWEVER.. You actually have the opportunity right now to feel better than you did a moment ago. You have the absolute power to make that choice. If you choose to wallow, or stay within the limitations that you've set for yourself, that's perfectly fine! Everyone is on their own journey, and it's exactly right for them. For ME though, I've learnt emphatically that there is no longer any benefit to hovering in a lower vibe. And CR, to your point I respectfully disagree: it's not POSSIBLE to net your biggest desires without first taking the inner journey. This is ALL about the journey, not about the STUFF. And from a vibration of hope and beyond, you actually find there IS NO FURTHER PAIN to clear up. Once you shift vibration, the things that were so painful are seen from a much broader, more evolved perspective. That's what this is all about. Transcending your current limitations, and old habitual patterns of thinking. And for anyone who believes I'm blocking out my inner voice.. you couldn't be further from my truth 😊🌈

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 
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