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7/04/2016 11:39 am  #1

YESS! I manifested! :D

So, one night while surfing youtube for a video for manifesting a little more money so that i can actually buy my family some gift, i came across this video that claimed to help manifest within 7 days. I'll give you  the basics. It said, in a week, the goal should be to manifest three things( not more) which are highly believable to oneself. Honestly, i didn't really believe it. For, i have come across videos and techniques which haven't really worked well for me...
   I asked for these three things- 1) to see a yellow real life butterfly( i don't live in a place with flowers and gardens sure we have trees but insignificant number of flowers). 2) a hug from this one special person in my life who really isn't a fan of physical display of affection. 3) my job which everyone believed i had lost( everyone minus me).
      I had no idea that it will actually work! However, within 2 days of my starting the manifestation process, my father took us on a surprise trip to a place on the outskirts of my city where i came up and close to yellow butterflies! When we had returned home, we had bit of a draw and this special person hugged me( not a major issue though)! 3) I got the job today! ( this is the third day of the week)!
    Also, this morning, i scripted how i had a wonderful time with a friend whom i had lost touch with for over a year and who was never really a close friend AND guess what??? it's been one of the best hangouts of my life! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!
    Also, it's absolutely true! you might not get what you attract like you think you would ! it is always better!! I am so excited about it because this was my first full fledged manifestation session within a timespan so small and with things that to the sane me( previous me) would have seemed impossible! 
      I am trying to attract my lover back to me! And all these experiences make me believe even stronger that we are on our way to an HEA together! 
   p.s. I thought, i would share it with everyone in case anyone needs to know what power we all truly hold!

Last edited by Hamster_ (7/04/2016 11:43 am)

in love wth myself! :D

7/04/2016 11:43 am  #2

Re: YESS! I manifested! :D

Wonderful!!!!  But, you don't 'try to attract a lover back' JUST BELIEVE YOU ARE ALREADY TOGETHER

Love is all

7/04/2016 12:06 pm  #3

Re: YESS! I manifested! :D

I am so proud of you!!
so happy for you!!!  keep up the positive vibe!! it'll only bring more and more great things into your life!
and CONGRATS on the job!!!!!

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe" 

7/05/2016 10:45 am  #4

Re: YESS! I manifested! :D

7 day money manifestation experiment by Steve Martile.
good luck with it! :D

Last edited by Hamster_ (7/05/2016 10:49 am)

in love wth myself! :D
     Thread Starter

7/05/2016 5:37 pm  #5

Re: YESS! I manifested! :D

That's great!


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