Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 3 months, We have so much in common and he's great. However we are too cautious for our own good. We have gotten stuck at an awkward point where we are too catious about getting too emotionally involved in the relationship even though we should be and its making the relationship go sour. I've had an intuition this week or so about telling him I love him (I've been wanting to say it for a while but there seemed to be no interest in his of it from what I could tell) however I've been reading horescopes and all kinds of Abraham quotes hinting me to make a big move in the relationship and take charge. He just said something to me today about feeling weird and stuff after we got a little snappy with eachother, I have not responded yet but I'm NOW sending good vibes. Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and we are going to lay out and see fireworks. I'm thinking of preparing a little speech and telling him I love him. I want to break the barrier. Any advice?
Go for it. Just that.
I'm getting sort of nervous though because he said that he's been feeling wrong and off lately but this also might be the nudge we need
LovelyinK wrote:
I'm getting sort of nervous though because he said that he's been feeling wrong and off lately but this also might be the nudge we need
Watch your vibration.