So I ran into my bf three days ago. We talked happily, chatted and laughed. He asked if I had a bf(had a friends-with-benefits thing), I denied, he said that he heard otherwise and I said that is over. I asked if he had a gf and he said he met this cute girl from another town(I reacted totally cool).
Today I started thinking about him and the ,,cute girl" appeared. I am not jealous or angry, I don't stalk, yet it kinda bothers me. Can someone help me to stop thinking about that fact? I don't even know if it is true or nor.
Heeeeelp, I feel I am so close!
When you don't even know if it's true, why do you call it fact? Watch your words carefully, they reflect your thoughts.
You can't stop thinking about something. The moment you try to stop thinking about something, you are still focused on the thing you don't want to think about and therefore it's active in your vibration. Think about something else, get involved with things you like. Do everything to change your focus and when the girl feels no longer like an obstacle, you can go back to the thoughts of the wonderful relationship with your guy.
Last edited by Sanshi (7/03/2016 8:26 am)
Sanshi, you are the greatest! If you were anywhere near my country, I would buy ya a chocolate(sending now one chocolate virtually)
So here is the playlist I made with all song my bf and I like ( he is crazy about The Lion King and Phil Collins :D ).
Check it up if you want or you need inspiration!
Severis94 wrote:
Sanshi, you are the greatest! If you were anywhere near my country, I would buy ya a chocolate(sending now one chocolate virtually)
Maybe I'm closer than you think. We should really clear that, at least it's about chocolate. And if we live really as far apart as you think, you can still come for your holidays. Vortex chocolate is nice, but I prefer it in its manifested form.Β
Awwwwww we are certainly spreading love all over! I absolutely adore this forum! Serbia sends love!
At least, we share the same continent and no ocean is between us. 1587 km is google maps telling us. Let's meet up halfways somewhere in Austria. I thought about taking a walk anyway and after 800 km, I really deserve chocolate.
I love this forum also.Β Severis94, all will be well care for yourself and focus on what you really want and love.Β All will be well if that is what you really desire
Severis94 wrote:
So I ran into my bf three days ago. We talked happily, chatted and laughed. He asked if I had a bf(had a friends-with-benefits thing), I denied, he said that he heard otherwise and I said that is over. I asked if he had a gf and he said he met this cute girl from another town(I reacted totally cool).
Today I started thinking about him and the ,,cute girl" appeared. I am not jealous or angry, I don't stalk, yet it kinda bothers me. Can someone help me to stop thinking about that fact? I don't even know if it is true or nor.
Heeeeelp, I feel I am so close!
Just focus on the beautiful relationship with him and not worry about her. Go out and enjoy yourself, bury yourself in activities you enjoy doing, treat yourself to something nice. Do all these things to stay in that loving and peaceful vibration.