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6/21/2016 5:05 pm  #1

This feels like a success...

I posted this on Lanie's forum and I'm bringing it here in case anyone relates or is interested:Β 
Hi all, I started doing Lanie's method and a few other things from Veronica's book to bring back my love (we were together 5 years and broke up mutually 3 months ago due to communication issues). I honestly believe we can work things out and he is a bit more black and white about us having to go through a process of no communication and getting over it because our relationship didn't work out so I've respected that and had very little communication with him since then. I've had ups and downs with my vibrations these past few months and the other day I had a bit of a meltdown after a mutual friend posted pictures of an event where my love seemed to be having a good time (my love closed his facebook after we broke up by the way, we just happen to have alot of friends in common and one of them posted these pictures). I cried, regrouped and did Lanie and another meditation called Soul Linking and felt much better. The next day, I felt a bit more detached and remained overall positive. around 8pm...he updated his Whatsapp status to the lyrics of a song "If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you, cause if he doesn't, I'll be there". He is not one to post things like that, he only did it when it was about me, I know if he were dating anyone or talking to anyone else this would not be about that person. Today, he deleted it, but I still feel like this was a huge step forward...any advice or opinions on this? THX! Β 


6/21/2016 6:46 pm  #2

Re: This feels like a success...

Hello, I just wanna say I have a friend who went through a really similar situation like yours!
Her and her boyfriend also broke up months ago, and I think last month she was checking his whatsapp and apparently that guy also updated a song quote (?) on whatsapp. She wasn't sure if he was already seeing someone new or not, but after a long time of no contact, this time she took this whatsapp status as an "inspired action" and so she messaged him, and asked about the quote, but she didn't give him any pressure, just simply "I saw your status! Not sure what it's for but, if you're seeing someone new, I hope you're happy right now!"
and guess what?
he replied her "I'm not seeing anyone actually. Thank you so much for messaging me, I'm sure we'll see each other very soon." or something along the lines : ) so now she knew that quote was actually to herself, and that he might be still thinking about her this whole time.

so if you feel confident/comfortable enough, try messaging him? But only if you feel like that's what faith wants you to do : )

good luck girl! wish you all the best!
sending you love and positive energy xoxo

When you feel like negative emotions are taking over, "Breathe, Have Faith, Believe"Β 

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