I have been involved with a girl (I am a girl too) on and off for the past 6-8 months. We started out dating and then she said she only wanted friends, and then we continued to meet and she then said we could perhaps be more but almost immediately changed her mind as she said she was going to move abroad next year and it wouldn't be fair to get involved. So we continued as friends and for the last month - 6 weeks I have been trying to use LOA to manifest a romantic relationship. The exact opposite of what i had been trying to manifest has happened; last week she blocked me on social media and when i confronted her about it she got all defensive, lied about it, and accused me of acting like a child (i didn't - I actually said it was no big deal), and our last messages ended with her saying 'Take care' and ending even our friendship. I have texted again to apologise for making her angry, but she hasn't replied. LOA has not worked for me! How can i turn this around? I find the LOA stuff hard especially as now I struggle to think of her as a good person - she lied! How can i get my thoughts back on track and manifest what i truly want - ie a loving relationship with her? It seems that all my negative thoughts come true and my positive ones don't. Please help me as I'm at my wits end.
It's because you are thinking of her as a bad person- so you attract more of that. And there HAD to have been some fear or insecurity or something off in your vibration in order to attract these circumstances. It's easy to see that you were using LOA from a place of lack and strong need to get her back. That is counterproductive and won't work well. First thing you need to acknowledge and try to understand is the role you had in creating the circumstances in your life. Can you try to do that?
Thank you for your reply and yes I can now see that it was me that attracted this :-( My real problem is how to turn my thoughts around and stop thinking of her as a bad person (although this happened after the social media blocking), but perhaps I had some unconscious thought that she was dangerous or shady that prompted this whole thing.
Any tips on how to change my thinking about her?