Day 13
busy day. i'm so tired.
but happy i got things thru
Day 14
very lazy day. nothing happened.
Day 1!im in.I have had a major shift in energy since joining this forum. I feel beautiful attractive and I know he love me <3
Day 15
another lazy day
gonna do some rs before bed ;)
Day 2! Wowowow! So he asked to catch up today!!! Out of nowhere! so I did, i had to get going but It was wonderful and I felt like I was glowing...I'm blown away what is happening within me!
Day 16
i've been too lazy!
working on a project that takes my time but still, no excuse!
Day 17
busy day! and that was all!
Day 3 manifested some positive changes at work, and did a fair amount of exercise today, going to do rs tonight, i havent been focusing on him much :-)
Day 1
I read a post by Cherished this morning about how would my darling behave? What would he say? What do I adore about him? What does he feel for me? What kind of romance scenes would you experience? I visualized so many wonderful things and felt happy. Then throughout the rest of the day focused on myself and what would I be doing if I were in a happier state. Then I continued writing my letter to my darling. I had no anxiety today. I see myself on the right track.
Last edited by holistichealing (11/18/2015 6:00 pm)
Day 18
busy day. lots of casual visualization.