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6/01/2016 4:45 pm  #1

I manifested a job!!

I had a job interview about 2 weeks ago. I went in there with COMPLETE confidence, with the intent of them loving me. A week later I hadn't heard anything. On Facebook, one of my old mangers told me that she gave me a bomb a** reference. This is when I knew it was near! Another week had gone by and I still hadn't heard anything. I called a few days ago, out of desperation, and I left a message with a lady for my interviewer. No response. Today I had a feeling that told me to call (inspired action). I asked to be transferred to my interviewer, I left a message. I just received the call about 30 minutes ago being offered the job! I also applied to many jobs but this is the one I put most of my focus on, and believe matches what I have been asking for in a job right now in my life.

What do I do?

I had complete confidence and didn't act desperate.
I wrote a lot of affirmations.
I kept a positive attitude despite being jobless.
I showed gratitude for signs that it was being manifested (my manager giving a good reference).
I started scripting yesterday.
I told myself, I HAVE the job. I felt as if it was already mine.
When I doubted, I changed my thought process to raise my vibration.
THIS SITE HELPED SO MUCH, as well as other positive websites, articles, and forums.
BELIEVE IN THE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Do not let others tell you otherwise as their vibrations are low when they do so and it will lower yours as well. This is one of the universal laws of life.

**I know that I'll have my guy as well. I'm receiving signs and evidence that it's manifesting. I've done it twice before, I'm doing it again except this time it's better now that I have all this wonderful knowledge.


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