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5/19/2016 8:16 pm  #1

Manifested a recent casual boyfriend

After me and my long term boyfriend broke up, I stayed basically single for 6 months then started dating this guy in my circle who reminded me of my old boyfriend. We had a messy month that ended in a fight, I deleted him on fb, he called me crazy, I called him a loser.. Yeah nasty. Didn't expect to hear from him again, recently I started thinking about him, feeling like 'it'd be nice to have him as a friend, he wasn't that bad, I was too hard on him' my friend then randomly brought him up in convoy two days ago saying how she liked him as a friend too and wouldn't mind him being around again. I haven't been thinking much about him but today he messaged me on fb even though he's still unfriended to say he still had my book and we got chatting I think the positive vibes I was sending out about him drew him to me. So yeah, posotive vibes towards people can help draw them in again definitely

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

5/19/2016 9:16 pm  #2

Re: Manifested a recent casual boyfriend

I love this shootingstar! Your story shows first of all how we are all energetically connected and second of all how high vibrations can affect another person for the better. Keep up the good work!


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