My relationship I have no worries with. I believe I already have it and everything is matching up to that belief. The problem is me.....I am really diligent with my routine. Waking up to stretch, visualize with love vibration sounds, yoga, gratitude and then affirmations. Eat a healthy breakfast, just eat healthy through the the day. Visualize more and feeling happy.
Doing the things that make me feel good. But then there is this one thing
....why do I still not feel amazing or the sense that my vibe is not radiant? Why do I feel ugly when my anxiety starts up from doing things that are good for me?
I can eat something that makes me feel energized, but I would get anxious from the healthy change of diet. Think positive about myself and I will get anxious like I should not be positive about myself.
Anything that makes me happy, my anxiety will come and ruin it. Why should it everything I do something good for myself, it just sneaks up? It is not like there is doubt crossing my mind it is just the feeling of being anxious that throws me off.