Greeting all you fantastic people.
So this manifestation experience can be as easy or difficult as you make it.
The advice on this forum from all the beautiful people who decided to step forward and help others is just another sign of pure love and goodness that is constantly in ours lives.
Well today I just thought of something which I beleive will help alot of you who are suffering with doubt and desperation.
Self love and faith are the keys OK uv heard that a million times and it's so easy to let those words in one ear and out the other I know.!!!
Desperation and impatience are two worst emotions you can hold so just do a little excercise today and you will see what I'm getting at.
This won't apply to everyone but for those wanting to reconcile and reunited with their ex use this though to give you the kick in the ass you need
Did you ever break anyone's heart ? Were they head over heels about you, would have done anything for you and you decide nah this isn't for me anymore and you walk away
Don't worry I'm not talking about karma here.
Did you feel pity for them as they seemed so desperate to get you back ? I bet you did!!. I bet you often felt bad for them and the thought of them missing you so much would even become a hinderance so you just put it out of your mind and got on with your life.
The point is you could sense the desperation, you could feel it and it ended up putting you off this person even more.
Now switch that to when this person gets on with their life too. They pick themselves up , dust themselves off and start to flourish in their own right.
You sense no desperation from this person at all and you might even wonder hmmmm did I do the right thing or I'd be totally comfortable to see this person again, who knows.
I'm convinced this isn't about egos but the more attractive vibration of either scenario.
Just something to ponder peeps . hope I articulated ny point properly.
Have a fantastic day
Love you all
Last edited by Allgood (5/05/2016 5:43 am)
Yes absolutely true. Great post. Thank you
Cheer wrote:
Yes absolutely true. Great post. Thank you
Thanks Cheer. I think it's a very simple but important point to make
That's basic pyschology so it is true however, however, I think it also depends on how deep your connection was to them? For example I was seeing a guy who liked me a lot more than I liked him up to last Christmas when he realised I wasn't that into him or something, anyway, he stopped communication, like I sent him a happy Christmas and he just never be honest, I don't really care if he gets on with his life, I haven't heard from him in ages but I'm a little relieved to be honest. Our connection was not at all deep. The deeper the connection, the more this will work though I feel
ShootingStar wrote:
That's basic pyschology so it is true however, however, I think it also depends on how deep your connection was to them? For example I was seeing a guy who liked me a lot more than I liked him up to last Christmas when he realised I wasn't that into him or something, anyway, he stopped communication, like I sent him a happy Christmas and he just never be honest, I don't really care if he gets on with his life, I haven't heard from him in ages but I'm a little relieved to be honest. Our connection was not at all deep. The deeper the connection, the more this will work though I feel
Hi I'm not talking about basic psychology at all. It's the vibration that's being sent out.
As for how deep the connection was, well if we were in a stable relationship with someone I think that merits deep enough?. I don't think your properly understanding the point I'm suggesting here.
Moral of the story is desperation is a negetive vibe and it can be picked by anyone at any time . to understand this think back to a time you walked away from a past relationship and you could just sense the other person's desperation to get back with you. It wasn't very appealing was it?
Love yourself, hold your head up high and watch what happens
Nope that's clearer .
Last edited by Allgood (5/05/2016 7:50 pm)
Fabulous perspective, and it truly is worth pondering.. I know I've sent people on their way before, disturbed by their desperate vibe (well, at the time I didn't realise it was their vibe lol), only to stop and wonder "hmmmm, where'd he go?! I actually really miss that guy!" At that point, guy has clearly raised his vibe and moved on, thus dropping his resistance with me. And this translates into very distinct feelings. Interesting!
Lol and it's 11:11
I never broke up with anyone I dated, they always left me. But I understand what you. I remember when I was broken up with an ex, he ignored my pleas, the moment I left it alone, he wanted my attention.
Last edited by holistichealing (5/05/2016 10:53 pm)
On a vibration stand point yeah I can definitely see how that is but it does also feed into the human psychology thing, sometimes I've had heart break when I came to discover someone who I thought wanted me back desperately actually doesn't and has moved on.. Like I wanted to meet an ex for a drink and he didn't make the effort to choose a day and I realised he wasn't too bothered and I felt oddly sad and rejected and equally a bit attracted to him again :3
ShootingStar wrote:
On a vibration stand point yeah I can definitely see how that is but it does also feed into the human psychology thing, sometimes I've had heart break when I came to discover someone who I thought wanted me back desperately actually doesn't and has moved on.. Like I wanted to meet an ex for a drink and he didn't make the effort to choose a day and I realised he wasn't too bothered and I felt oddly sad and rejected and equally a bit attracted to him again :3
Lol I'm sorry shootingstar but I'm struggling to understand what your point is to my post. If you don't agree thats totally cool as we all have different beiefs and different experiences.
But I think if you feel strongly regarding your knowledge of human psychology maybe bring it up on your separate post. I just want to help others with simple topics . I'm not here to debate with anyone