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4/28/2016 7:23 pm  #1

Manifested two objects (might seem boring but take a quick read :)

Just thought I'd write this out as it has to do with the whole 'letting go' thing everyone's talking about. Similar story to how I got my dog, except this one is about a phone and a hair dryer. I had an old phone with a terrible camera and a bad old hair dryer. They didn't really bother me until a couple of months ago when I started slightly thinking, it would be nice to have newer versions of both....then I started getting annoyed with having older versions and I really wanted newer versions for about 2 weeks, I even tried to persuade my mum to get me both as early birthday presents but she said 'not as long as you have them and they are working fine!!' and I just sort of took that on board and went along with life ...

Well in the space of two weeks, my phone got stolen (haha it's so old I'd never have imagined anyone wanting it!) and my hair dryer exploded ! So ...I have a nice new phone and a cool new hairdryer just on time for the summer where I imagined myself having a good phone with a good camera to take photos of my trip and a hairdryer to have better hair for it. I hadn't wanted anything else, like new shoes or anything, just those two things!

Basically, those two incidents happened in a short space of time after I decided firmly I would like new ones. I was firm but when my mum made me realise that it wasn't going to happen right now, I just let it go. Funny thing actually because when those two incidents actually happened, I wasn't happy ! I was annoyed haha but then when I got my new things I realised 'ahhh wait a minute, this is exaclty what I wanted!' it's almost like the realisation that my manifestation had happened only really hit me after it had happened. I feel like with people, it's the same, it's hard to sort of forget because you don't, but I think right now what I'm going to do is pretend the universe has said to me 'I'm not going to bring back this person right now because you're perfectly fine with what you have!' And then take it as it is and that's when the universe will turn around I'm sure


'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

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