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4/19/2016 10:55 pm  #1

HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

Hi all!

So I have some great news to share! No I haven't manifested my love just yet but, I've been having a TON of synchronicities and, I just found out today I'm expecting!!! I'm 4 weeks along! I'm still kinda in shock. It hasn't really sunk in but, I'm starting to aborb it and get really excited!

I say success because THIS is part of my manifestation. I've been visualizing this. Us, happily together with his kids and my kids all living under one roof again. In my visualization that I replay over and over esp before bedtime (per Neville) I'm pregnant with a belly and it's a GIRL!!! Parts of my visions, he's rubbing and kissing my belly telling baby he can't wait to meet her!!!

My guy and I have had a few drunk convos about having a baby and, he's mentioned a few times to myself and others  he would like to have a daughter. (He already has 2 sons) I have a daughter and 2 sons myself but I've always felt like a baby would bring our family together. A few of his friends told him the same thing. In reality, I believe he does really want a daughter but he's a little jaded from the whole baby mama drama dept and I can't blame him. Things haven't been easy for him to say the least so he's iffy. We've had sober convos about it and that's obvious.

So here's where I need help, or guidance I guess you can say. Yes, this is part of my manifestation and I'm so elated that's is here in my reality. Its not exactly how I pictured the order in which it would play out, but I'll take it. The universe always provides the best possible way its supposed to happen. And actually, I see this as a HUGE sign! Thing is...I'm on the IUD!!!! So this is a miracle baby!!! I'm just unsure how I'd like to tell him. He texted me about 4 days ago but nothing since then. I don't want this to be the reason he comes back. I would prefer him to come to me because he loves me and wants to be with me, not because of the obligation. Obviously I need to tell him but I think I'm going to take a week and keep my focus and continue to do PW and RS along with all the little things I do but, I'm going to include some visualizations and maybe some scripting on his reaction for when I do tell him. I'd like to see him as happy as I am and welcoming. Today when I first found out, I kinda freaked out at the thought of telling him and seeing a negative reaction but I cut that off real quick! That's why I think I'll take some time and manifest the best outcome.

Either way, I'm happy. Talked to a good gf of mine and she was very positive about it as well. Gave me a good idea of giving him the pg test as a gift and turn the experience into a positive one. When he sees my happiness and excitement, he'll feed on that...

What do you guys think? I'm coming here because most of us are in the same situations with our loves and understand how the LOA works and all the work we do to manifest them back. There's always some great advice on here. Talking to other people about stuff like this isn't always the easiest because most don't fully understand how it all works. Glad I have a safe haven to come to 😘😍. Thank you!

Last edited by IAMaCreator (4/21/2016 12:00 pm)


4/21/2016 12:02 pm  #2

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

Yesterday morning I had an inspired action to text him telling him I had something for him and if it was ok to come over. He said yes of course. I went to Planned Parenthood to verify my condition and that's what I was going to give him. The slip confirming with due date.

I went to his house, handed him the slip and said "today must be the day for good news" (he just got a new job yesterday as well) and walked away. Obviously at first he was in shock. He asked how could this happen with me being on the IUD and all? He didn't seem very happy but I gave him space and allowed him to think about what just happened. After awhile I went in his room and laid down with him. He grabbed me, wrapped his arms around me and held my belly for a long time. We stood that way for awhile. Eventually he ended up saying...we need to come up with a plan. Then he started talking about how we need to hustle and grind and help promote each others businesses. WE need to do this, WE need to do that is what he kept saying. My heart just melted. He's ALL in!!!! I'm am so happy and excited!!! So grateful that the universe delivered and happy I've been in the receiving mode lately. I knew it was coming, I felt it. Wasn't expecting it to happen in this order but hey, I'll take it!

I admit, last night I had a few minutes where I got scared and started second guessing. He saw me kinda freaking out and then he started freaking out. But, I was able to recognize those thoughts and get rid of them and refocus. One of the things I said was knowing the only reason why he's here is...ya. Not going to say it aloud or write it down but I'm sure u can guess what I said. He pretty much said he wouldn't be here if he didn't want to be. We left it at that and went to sleep.

This morning I woke up with his arms around me and him touching my belly. He whispered in my ear, he's doing this with me because he loves me!!! Awe <3 just what I needed to hear.

So now, I vow to stay focused and keep visualizing and living in the end. I vow to keep seeing him in the new role I created for him. I'm still going to use the PW technique to fine tune the relationship but I did it guys!! I got my babe back!!! This truly does work. I'm so grateful for all the love and support that is here. Dreams do come true!!!

Last edited by IAMaCreator (4/21/2016 12:15 pm)

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4/21/2016 12:45 pm  #3

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

When you say 'I don't want this to be the reason he comes back' I feel that you might be risking resistance, as in, if you think that way in a few months time you might start to feel insecure and unsure about his reasons for coming back which really don't matter...what matters is that you and him are having a family together and you and him are now automatically closer than ever and you and him have a huge chance of staying together as long as you keep your positivity and vibration high Don't question the how you came back together, that's what I would do.. He doesn't need to come back to you because of a baby so technically in this day and age, he's coming back because he wants to be with you anyway

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

4/21/2016 1:22 pm  #4

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

Out of curiosity what does RS and PW stand for? There's probably more on Veronicas forum. If you anyone knows them can they pls tell me what they stand for, thanks


4/21/2016 2:32 pm  #5

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

PixelPie wrote:

BooLala wrote:

Out of curiosity what does RS and PW stand for? There's probably more on Veronicas forum. If you anyone knows them can they pls tell me what they stand for, thanks

RS is remote  seduction  and PW stands for a book my Lanie p****y whipped

Thank you :-)


4/21/2016 4:45 pm  #6

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

ShootingStar wrote:

When you say 'I don't want this to be the reason he comes back' I feel that you might be risking resistance, as in, if you think that way in a few months time you might start to feel insecure and unsure about his reasons for coming back which really don't matter...what matters is that you and him are having a family together and you and him are now automatically closer than ever and you and him have a huge chance of staying together as long as you keep your positivity and vibration high Don't question the how you came back together, that's what I would do.. He doesn't need to come back to you because of a baby so technically in this day and age, he's coming back because he wants to be with you anyway

You are absolutely right, thank you! That's why when I thought about this yesterday, I changed the channel real quick! Obviously I still have things to work on within myself but, it was good to hear him confirm this morning that he's here because he loves me. I know that and believe it with all my heart and soul. Thanks again!

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4/21/2016 4:45 pm  #7

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

PixelPie wrote:

ShootingStar wrote:

When you say 'I don't want this to be the reason he comes back' I feel that you might be risking resistance, as in, if you think that way in a few months time you might start to feel insecure and unsure about his reasons for coming back which really don't matter...what matters is that you and him are having a family together and you and him are now automatically closer than ever and you and him have a huge chance of staying together as long as you keep your positivity and vibration high Don't question the how you came back together, that's what I would do.. He doesn't need to come back to you because of a baby so technically in this day and age, he's coming back because he wants to be with you anyway

I agree don't worry about how. You are doing so great I'm rooting for you πŸ˜„

Thank you so much

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4/21/2016 10:29 pm  #8

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

Congratulations!!! As far as I can see, you two are already back together... so enjoy!!!


4/21/2016 10:33 pm  #9

Re: HUGE Succes!! Update!!! Its here!!

PlumPuppy wrote:

Congratulations!!! As far as I can see, you two are already back together... so enjoy!!!

Yes we are. Thank you! πŸ˜„

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