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4/15/2016 3:32 am  #1

Success! Manifested a job in 3 days!!

Was feeling especially happy lately and wanted to try manifesting a job, again. I stopped practicing all of the LOA methods except for gratitude and feeling like I was already working at a company with wonderful coworkers.

Lo and behold, I received 2 job interviews after doing this for two days.Β The first interview was with a non-profit that I applied to back in February just before the 29th, and it was the perfect salary, full-time hours / 4 days a week, plus health and benefits. The great thing was, I was thinking before the interview that it'd be great to have a shorter work week and found out it was already part of the coordinator role! Had a great time at the interview chatting with the Executive Director and feeling the great vibe there.

The second interview was from a girlfriend. she contacted me randomly to let me know the IT company she worked for was creating a new position and was I interested? (it didn't even have a job title yet!) Basically, the position took over some of her smaller tasks so she could focus on bigger data analysis projects. The role is a telecommute position and is entry-level pay during probahtion, but has fewer hours during the week. She interview me over Skype and offered me the job on the spot! I start on Monday, next week, and am super excited :D

So like I said in the first part of this message, all I did basically was:Β 
1. be grateful for everything and saying "Thank you" ALL THE TIME (and feeling it sooo much!) but if I didn't feel grateful like on an off day, I'd switch my focus to doing something that would make me feel better, like listening to music or working in the garden or dancing

2. getting into the "feeling" of having a job like affirming I was already employed, and working for a wonderful company with really great pay and awesome co-workers, imagining what I'd wear, getting my work wardrobe ready, and really just feeling super relaxed while doing this.

A really great article that helped me get into the feelingΒ is this one from Your Perfect Universe.

Hope this helps! Cheers


4/15/2016 4:10 am  #2

Re: Success! Manifested a job in 3 days!!



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