So I'm on this form to manifest a specific person who is not a celebrity (thought he wishes haha) but I actually did get a response from a real life celebrity :O I'm kind of star struck haha. David Walliams is a BBC comedian and did Little Britain and is currently on Britain's Got Talent, I only heard of him like a month ago when I started watching a series he did and I just felt so attracted to him, he's really sexy to me. I googled him, found out he's newly single and I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice for him to notice me, a random girl from a different country who is absolutely not famous chance. I actually followed his official instagram page and decided to just leave him a private message, why not, and said something along the lines of'll never ask me out because of (and i listed some reasons) and said at the end, but if you did, I would probably say yes, just so you know. And then never expected a reply lol, I didn't get a reply as suuchh because well, he's like a million years older than me and goes for famous girls, BUT he followed me XD I have 100 followers on my instagram including david walliams XD I'm so happy haha, he has like 57k following him and only follows 5000 so yeah I feel pretty thrilled ! Again, I had this little intention, set it out, my message to him had literally the opposite to expecting a reply and BOOM I got followed haha