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4/01/2016 8:56 am  #1

I was just watching a movie.....

and then I see my loves phone number pop up on my phone wanting to FaceTime. How amazing. I kind of freaked out because I didn't know if I was dreaming lol. Β The conversation was great, we laughed and he said " I've been thinking about you a lot" ARE THOSE NOT THE WORDS THAT I WANTED TO HEAR? I didn't put that part together until this morning! Anyways, I had my reservations and even a shitty day yesterday but it totally turned around at just the right time. Believe guys, this stuff works!Β 


4/02/2016 8:10 am  #2

Re: I was just watching a movie.....

Congrats!!!! Had you already been in contact with him, or did he break nc??


4/02/2016 1:06 pm  #3

Re: I was just watching a movie.....

He broke no contact. Which I was really surprised about but I actually should of be- because hey LOA. He always said that when he was done with a person he was done ( I know what an A-hole) so I figured hey what is there to lose? Nothing!Β 

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4/02/2016 2:46 pm  #4

Re: I was just watching a movie.....

Oh wow, really? How long had it been? Would you be willing to share more of your story, or post a link to where it is already if I missed it?


4/02/2016 5:25 pm  #5

Re: I was just watching a movie.....

My love and I were together for almost two years. I knew early on he is the one but due to some painful previous relationships, he ALWAYS had commitment issues. He was always unsure about me and our relationship. I heard everything in the book 'I love you but I'm not in love with you" or " I'm not emotionally available, but I love you" and I went back EVERY time. I was also a person who was diagnosed with depression when I was younger so battling that there was no way that I was actually ready to be with this person.
Fast forward to 2016. The day before Valentines day he broke up with me and for the first time I felt okay. We were in no position to love each other. Like I mentioned before, he said when he was done with a relationship/person he was done. I had seen it and so I believed it.Β 

I wanted to feel better because as much as I had wanted to be with him, I did not want it this relationship. I read the Secret when I was in highschool and found their Instagram page (LOA!) on Valentines Day. I searched on google "How to get your ex back" and found Veronica on YouTube. Found the forum and then never looked back. So He contacted me this past Thursday so it was a month and a half.
So I really just began to love myself. When I look in the mirror today I LOVE who is staring back at me because it is me. I have attracted so many amazing things in my life without my love being in my life. He honestly taught me such an amazing lesson and I will always be so truly grateful for that lesson. I know we are meant to be together and now I know the Universe does too. I also have fallen in love with Abraham. So helpful.Β 

Sorry its long =)Β 

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