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3/25/2016 6:57 pm  #1

Success Update!!

So earlier this week my love and I had our first in person small talk and texting conversation!! It went really well and then the rest of the week things fell flat. I realigned myself and then today was the first day I woke up and my immediate thought wasn't "Oh he didn't text me" or "That's right, I'm having to work for this". I immediately forced myself to think the first thought in the morning, "I am one with my love! We are together and happy." and I just repeated that to myself all the way to the shower and throughout my day. I was feeling extra good today. It is sunny and everything.ย 

My best friend texted me and asked me if I had any updates and I said, [color=white !important]Saw him once but it was fine also decided [/color]"Saw him once today, but it was fine. Also decided to just let go and let the universe do its thing. Many people say once they put their desire out there, just trust its happening and then move on, that's when it comes. So seeing himย todayย didn't make me nervous or weird, I just felt happy but I kept going on about my day and I'm doing good ๐Ÿ™‚ so I'm going to give the formal cordinator my best guy friends info as my date and just trust that the universe is doing things behind the scene and it always works out in ways we don't expect it. I'm feeling really good and going to start Moving in the direction of moving on and not putting him on a pedestal. Because IM the one on the pedestal." And I left it at that and then went and worked out.ย 

Got through my workout and realized the was the first event since we broke up that I hadn't thought about him at all. I was so so so proud of myself! Then that's when one event happened after another! This is what I sent to my best friend afterwards,ย 
"Well, big news cuz I just worked out and that was the first event in the last month that I hadn't thought about Caleb the whole time! I was so so so proud of myself and it felt so good! and thennnn On my way home I just ran into him and we had full on eye contact conversation with smiles and laughs and it was natural and so it was great! (THIS IS THE FIRST TIME!) And he even asked if I was going to the dance partyย tonight! ย like yaaaayyyy he was curious if I was going to be there! and then I ended the conversation so I had full power and everything! Thanking the universe for sure and still feeling the same and good and progress is made!ย ย  And THEN lol I'm sitting at the sub with my friend eating and he knew we were gonna be here and he just came and sat with us!!! Asked me questions and everything! What the heck!!! I totally just turned the tables. I have my power back. "

These small successes made me realize something though. I'm happy we talked, but more happy that even if we wouldn't have talked today, I still would've had an awesome day and been happy! I feel good and I really have genuine faith that the universe is working hard behind the scene and I don't have to do anything. Literally an hour after I told my friend I was moving on and just having faith, I manifested multiple experiences with him that are HUGE milestones for us.

Here is the article I read today that really pushed me in this direction! Read it!!ย 

With much love and thanks! Will keep you all updated! <3


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