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3/23/2016 1:08 pm  #11

Re: Two small miracles!

SydneysMommy wrote:

Oasiscalm wrote:

Not how would I, how did I? Because yes I've been there and got the tshirt.

I had a similar situation, where it just happened. And for the all of the following day I heard nothing from him. And the negative chatter started.

I very quickly stopped the negative chatter going on and reminded myself that I was only going to get back what I focused on. Also I saw the positive and figured that it was a step towards my desire and that the universe for whatever reasons saw it as a part of the plan for it to happen that way.

I heard from him the next day and he wanted to talk about what had happened and how I felt about it, which really surprised me.

So my advice is to reframe the event in your mind, tell yourself it's just a preview of what's to come. Then stop the worry that he just wanted one thing, that's not true, he wants you. And then get back to focusing on the end game. You're higher power is moving all the elements around to bring about your desires just see the time you spent together as part of the unfolding of the mainfestation.

So shortly after your message he messaged me but I was driving... Ughggg

So I couldn't really hold a true conversation. But I've never been a great texter but I'm at a list for topics...I'm seeing most people fail from being clingy...naturally I wanna be like omg you miss me, love me, wanna date, huh huh huh????

So then what...especially since I'm a better speaker. Did you guys go through a awkward convo stage?

No there was no awarkwardness, the convo flowed easily and it was initiated by him.

When you drop the stress things will flow naturally. Don't be in a rush to take action or to say anything. When it needs to said or done it will happen.

I promise you as long as you just concentrate on firstly getting your alignment up (so drop the negative chatter or expectations, address limiting beliefs, get your confidence back and trust in your higher self ) and focus on your end goal, you can't go wrong. You will know anything that is happening to you be it great or difficult is happening to get you what you need to be.


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