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3/13/2016 8:28 pm  #1

Listen up loa works

My friend started dating a man ten years her junior. She was very happy and he was very good to her Daughter who was happy because she never had a father figure . However my friend who had histories of bad relationships always said it's too good to be true I am just waiting for him to mess up well guess what she found out he was lying and cheating on her. Needless to say she was upset and posted it all over Facebook hopefully they can work things out!

Even though things ended up bad it goes to show the universe will give you what you put out there !

Β your mouth and thoughts can block your blessings

3/15/2016 1:58 pm  #2

Re: Listen up loa works

Thanks for sharing. I know a lot of people who do this and they are not even aware of it. Hope your friend will learn to use her words for good.


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